Finally, let’s look at how you can create your vision board. As a Bullet Journal junkie, I created my vision board in my BuJo.First of all, I use my planner every day, so I know for sure I’ll always be looking at my vision board. If you decide to add yours to your BuJo as...
June Bullet Journal setup was the time when I finally felt like Big Mamma Masha was back in town. I loved my June pages and all the makeup doodles. So I want to do something just as cool for July. Yes, I chose my theme to be boba tea! I love my boba tea, especially after livi...
- Seamlessly add photos to your Bullet Journal Pages using various shapes (Star, Circle, Square) - Access a wide range of Page Templates curated by our passionate Bujo Community - Exciting new features added every month You can also find us on Twitter! @BujoJournal ...
The first few pages of this book are your Index. The Index is where the Bullet Journal really comes together. As you start to use your book, simply add the topics of your Collections and their page numbers to the Index, so you can quickly find and reference them at any point. 保留笔记...
This collection of May-themedbullet journal ideasis an easy way to jump-start your creativity. The struggle can definitely be real when you are trying to come up with a new bullet journal theme every single month This is why these funmonthly bullet journal ideashave become a thing over here...
- Seamlessly add photos to your Bullet Journal Pages using various shapes (Star, Circle, Square) - Access a wide range of Page Templates curated by our passionate Bujo Community - Exciting new features added every month You can also find us on Twitter! @BujoJournal ...
allowing you to fill out the pages in Excel, with tasks, events, notes and more. If you have different bullet symbols you like to use, we've made it easy to customize and add your own. For example, this template also includes the "/" symbol that many bullet journalers use to indicat...
Life moves fast. That’s why I make myself a Year In Review. My Year In Reviews aren’t about how many things I did (though there is space for that) or what I consumed. Instead, they are spaces for what stood out to me. For me, my Year In Review is just
I do this by reviewing my calendar and journal, asking myself some questions, and then journaling about what comes up. Let’s break that down. I use my calendar and journal to remind myself of what I’ve experienced in the past week, or month. I think about those experiences, and ...
Alternatively, if you plan to carry your bullet journal with you each day in your bag, the smaller A6 might be your best bet. It depends on your preference. When considering size, you will also want to consider the number of pages in your journal. If you’re planning to create a lot...