Everything is riding on your ability to stay calm and make the right decisions; at least, that’s what is often mentioned in any guide to be better at poker. Though it’s not as easy as people usually say to turn the table under high pressure, the possibility is always there. It’s...
“Sex Machine” we were on our way to the studio and we were riding a bus, from the gig, and he said [James Brown voice], “Bobby, gimme something to write with.” He got a brown paper bag, tore the paper bag in half and he started writing. “I feel like a sex machine. ...
More muscular and aggressive than the females of the same species, the cows, bulls have long been an important symbol in many cultures, and play a significant role in beef ranching, dairy farming, and a variety of other cultural activities, including bullfighting and bull riding. Cow To ...
The blank stares will never cease, as I believe the disconnect is in the expectation, not the comprehension. Regardless of the topic, technology is supposed to be simple. Bottom line, cloud is simple if you are prepared. It is just like riding a bike! But just like riding a bike in to...
It was so crazy you know because I’d be riding on the train and I’d see the original Roxanne [Shanté] who was like the first girl rapper. She’s actually singing our song to her friends right in front of me. I didn’t say, “Oh by the way. That’s me.” No, but it was...
Abel was riding his father's knee. Monzon almost canceled his last fight, against Tom Bogs in Copenhagen in August, and came home because Mercedes García had phoned and said Abel had a sore throat and fever. Brusa got a doctor to persuade Monzon that Abel was not dying. Monzon waited lo...
Practice SlopeOpenGroomedtest: IntermediateIntermediate Sherwood ForestOpentest: IntermediateIntermediate Smugglers' AlleyOpenGroomedtest: AdvancedAdvanced Snake BiteOpenGroomedtest: AdvancedAdvanced Thomke'sOpentest: IntermediateIntermediate Thomke's ExpressOpentest: IntermediateIntermediate ...
What can I use to practice bull-riding around the house without buying a bucking machine? Karin Top Answerer I wouldn't do this "around the house," but maybe out in the backyard. You can set up a spring system with a 50 gal oil drum on springs between two posts to practice on. ...
And we were kind of like one of the few people riding around New York listening to that, like loud, [sings]”Straight outta Compton.” You know what I mean? All that shit. It was just like, the energy of it, and they were dealing with dynamics as well and it was frenetic but ...