Bull spread 具体又分为bull call spread(牛市看涨价差期权)和bull put spread(牛市看跌价差期权)。不论是bull call spread还是bull put spread,它们都满足bull spread的定义,即买入行权价低的期权,卖出行权价高的期权,简记为买低卖高。当使用bull call spread时,使用的两个期权都需要是看涨期权;同理,bull put ...
call debit spread和bull put spread的盈亏图一样,但是call debit spread是付出权利金买上涨机会,bull put spread是赚取权利金,给别人机会,有可能承担股价下跌的风险。
4.2裸卖出看跌期权(NakedShortPut) 5 2024-07 4.1买入看涨期权(LongCall) 5 2024-07 3.6比率价差(RatioSpread) 7 2024-07 3.5借方价差与贷方价差(Debit/CreditSpread)(2) 6 2024-07 3.5借方价差与贷方价差(Debit/CreditSpread)(1) 7 2024-07 3.4对角价差(DiagonalSpread) ...
Bull Put Spread - ClassificationStrategy : Bullish | Outlook : Moderately Bullish | Spread : Vertical Spread | Debit or Credit : Credit Probably The Most Accurate Stock Options Picks Ever... Profit with Mr. OppiE, author and owner of www.Optiontradingpedia.com, through his best personal ...
牛市看跌期权价差(bull put spread)是指投资者在买进一个较低协定价格的看跌期权的同时,又卖出一个标的物相同、到期日也相同,但协定价格较高的看跌期权。对看跌期权来说,协定价格较低,则期权费也较低;协定价格较高,则期权费也较高。所以,在建立牛市看跌期权价差部位时,投资者所收取的期权费将多于他所...
2024-07-25 00:01:0707:515 所属专辑:期权交易——核心策略与技巧解析(第3版)|精品|当代文学 6元开会员,免费听 购买| 0.50喜点/集 下载手机APP 7天免费畅听10万本会员专辑 声音主播 电子工业_电子书 6.1万9733.9万
If you like the risk/reward of the Debit Spread strategy but are bearish:Bear Put Debit Spreads Help If you are Bullish on the stock but prefer credit spreads:Bull Put Credit Spreads Help For more information on the Parity Strategy to Bull Call Debit spreads:Parity Trading - Option Spreadsan...
Bull-Put Credit Spreads... Bull Put Credit Spread Profit Loss Chart This bull put credit spreads strategy is to realize a profit by making cash that is a net credit formed by the difference in a SOLD PUT price and a BOUGHT PUT price. While the stock goes up, the investor keeps the ne...
Spread Types Each of the types of spread is further classified into either debit or credit spreads. The bull call spread and the bear put spread are debit spreads, because premiums are paid. Bull put spreads and the bear call spreads are credit spreads, in that they collect premiums (money...
A bull spread is a subcategory of a vertical spread. Vertical spreads might be bearish or bullish. The chapter describes a vertical spread that is considered to be bullish. Any vertical spread consists of two options, both are the same type (call or put), have the same underlying security...