The muzzle isbulky, only slight diminishing in width from root to nose. 炮口是笨重, 只有轻微减少,宽度从根到鼻子. 期刊摘选 It also results inbulkyback, leg and rear - end muscles. 这也会导致笨重的背部 、 大腿和屁股肌肉. 期刊摘选
它们很重 占空间 难以维护 而且需要很多钱才能拥有一台 10.Something tells me abulkygeolocating anklet might tip our hand. 我觉得这个笨重的脚环说不定会暴露我 以上参考资料就是本英汉词典详细汇总的单词bulky的翻译英语含义,如有错漏请向我们提供反馈意见。
bulky 基本解释 形容词笨重的; 庞大的; 体积大的 bulky 相关例句 形容词 1. Some aircraft are designed to carry bulky freight or vehicles. 有些飞机设计得能运载体积大的货物或车辆。 2. She dropped the bulky package twice. 她两次将那个笨重的包裹掉落下来。
bulky的反义词 adj 1. of large size for its weight经典引文 A new purchase that was too bulky to bring up the back stairway.出自:T. C. Boyle You ought to be wearing a bulky Arran sweater and a captain's cap.出自:B. Bryson近义词 反义词 临近词 substantial大量的 ungainly笨拙的 rotund(...
bulky cargo 【Official例句】 1. Though clumsy and bulky it has a virtue dear to archaeologists: it is durable. (Official46-P1) 虽然泥板很笨重,但对于考古学家来说它有一个珍贵的优点:保存持久。 2. Livestock could be driven across the mountains, but the cost of transporting bulky grains in ...
1. Today, it is finished manufactured products that dominate the flow of trade, and, thanks to technological advances such as lightweight components, manufactured goods themselves have tended to become lighter and less bulky.(剑雅6-TEST1) 现在,产成品占据出口贸易的大部分。由于科技进步,零部件的重量...
bulky英音: ['bʌlki] 美音: ['bʌlki] 副词1.庞大的,大的,笨重的2.大块头的,粗壮的,高大肥胖的ad.1.笨重地n.1.庞大,笨重英英释义 of large size for its weight 访问沪江小D查看bulky的更多详细解释> 词形变化形容词比较级: bulkier,bulkiest 副词: bulkily ...
of a thing东西large and difficult to move or carry庞大的;笨重的 Bulky items will be collected separately.大件物品将分开收集。 of a person人tall and heavy大块头的;高大肥胖的 The bulky figure of Inspector Jones appeared at the door.琼斯督察的壮硕身躯出现在门口。