At least four petrophysical parameters must be included in an integrated flow model (IFM) to allow the use of Gassmann's equation: the dry frame bulk modulus of the porous matrix Kdry, the bulk modulus of the rock matrix grains Km, the effective shear modulusμ, and the matrix density ρ...
which has been demonstrated to be surface-active that moves rapidly to the air interface reducing the interfacial tension (γ ∼ 55 mN m−1) and forms a calcium-enriched viscoelastic film with elastic modulus (G′) of 60.8 mNm−1), and the viscous modulus (G″) of 12.9 mNm−...
further studied the effect of Young's modulus E and density ρ on keff2 ( Z = ρE ) [71]. It was found that Micromachines 2020, 11, 630 when the ρ is fixed, keff2 increases with the increase ...
In Figure 5, the Weibull modulus m ranges from 2 to 16, and the reference strain ε0 = 0.06. At a given particle volume fraction, the εpxlxastic elongation increases with increasing Weibull modulus, which is controlled by the physics meaning of Weibull modulus. Additionally, the deFpiegnu...
However, the Young's modulus of human bone tissue is only 20 GPa, which is still much smaller than that of Ti-based BMGs. Some developed β-type titanium alloys (e.g., Ti–Nb–Ta–Zr) possess relatively small Young's modulus values of ~40 GPa [224], which are close to that of ...