*/-- create a fresh version of dbo.char_data_lines table-- in for_char_data_lines databaseusefor_char_data_lines;droptableifexistschar_data_lines;createtabledbo.char_data_lines(line nvarchar(80));-- bulk insert C:\My Text Files for SQL Server\Text_Document_1.txt-- to the dbo.char...
BulkInsert插入耗时:3727 BulkInsert还是比EF本身插入数据稍微快一点,总的来说: BulkInsert 大致是只传一次sql语句,并用SqlBulkCopy快速插入(单据+单据明细+单据日志); 而EF是每个实体一条普通的Insert插入(单据1次,单据明细有多少条就传多少次,单据日志有多少条就传多少次) //每次插入一条,循环插入的测试代码 S...
通常在SQL语句中给PL/SQL变量赋值叫做绑定(Binding),一次绑定一个完整的集合称为批量绑定(Bulk Binding)。 批量绑定(Bulk binds)可以通过减少在PL/SQL和SQL引擎之间的上下文切换(context switches )提高了性能. 批量绑定(Bulk binds)包括: (i) Input collections, use the FORALL statement,一般用来改善DML(INSERT、...
Specifies the number of rows in a batch. Each batch is copied to the server as one transaction. If this fails, SQL Server commits or rolls back the transaction for every batch. By default, all data in the specified data file is one batch. CHECK_CONSTRAINTS :指定在执行bulk insert操作期间,...
工具:Microsoft Visual Studio Ultimate 2013+Oracle SQL Developer 1.5.5+Oracle Database 11g Enterprise Edition位)+TNS for 32-bit Windows 方式一:ArrayBind 当插入一条数据时,SQL 语句如下: INSERTINTOtable_nameVALUES(:col1, :col2, :col3, :col4, :col5) ...
application logic. You candownloadand run the script to compare the performance of row-by-row inserting with FORALL. On my laptop running Oracle Database 11g Release 2, it took 4.94 seconds to insert 100,000 rows, one at a time. With FORALL, those 100,000 were inserted in 0.12 seconds....
然后插入1,000,000条数据吧。这里不得不说,PLSQL里面,dual表的确帮助很大,当然T-SQL里面你也可以建一张辅助表的。这里用的Oracle SQL Developer自带的格式化功能,相当弱。 INSERTINTOHARDWARESELECTTRUNC(rownum/1000)+1aisle, rownum item,'Description'||rownum descrFROM(SELECT1FROMdual CONNECTBYlevel<=1000),...
1、在Sql Server数据库中创建存储过程 个人感觉挺有用,Mark一下。 CREATE PROC sp_Data2InsertSQL @...
Getting Identity values after a bulk insert in SQL Server 2008 Getting Invalid filegroup error Getting last Saturday from a given date Getting last week same day ,last month same day etc date for today. Getting LCK_M_IX wait type Getting list of files, Modified Date from Windows folders/Subf...
BulkInsert方法实现批量导入 大家好,又见面了,我是你们的朋友全栈君。 最近在做新生系统,其中有一个导入功能就是把保存在Excel中的多条数据导入到mysql数据库中。最初一点思路都没有,通过查阅资料,研究出了一种导入的方法,首先要把导入的Excel文件转换成Datatable,然后在底层将Datatable 转换成csv格式的文件,最终...