The overhead projector has a housing 1 inside of which there is a light source that has a metal vapour bulb , a reflector and a condenser lens . The light is directed onto a mirror and through a Fresnel lens and an LCD panel for the image to be projected onto a screen by a mirror...
DYS 120v 600w GY9.5 GZ.5 3m slide overhead projector lamp 120v600w ushio projection halogen bulb, You can get more details about DYS 120v 600w GY9.5 GZ.5 3m slide overhead projector lamp 120v600w ushio projection halogen bulb from mobile site on Alibaba.
The overhead projector has a housing 1 inside of which there is a light source that has a metal vapour bulb , a reflector and a condenser lens . The light is directed onto a mirror and through a Fresnel lens and an LCD panel for the image to be projected onto a screen by a mirror...
The overhead projector has a housing 1 inside of which there is a light source that has a metal vapour bulb , a reflector and a condenser lens . The light is directed onto a mirror and through a Fresnel lens and an LCD panel for the image to be projected onto a screen by a mirror...