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PERBEDAAN TIPELOGI KEPRIBADIAN TERHADAP HASIL BELAJAR MATEMATIKA SISWA KELAS V SD NEGERI 010186 LIMA PULUH Differences in Personality Typology on Mathematics Learning Outcomes of Class V SD Negeri 010186 Fifty.The purpose of this study was to determine the diffe... Herna Trioseka,Reflina Sinaga,Saut...
BUKU KURIKULUM MERDEKA TOP FOKUS SD KELAS 1-6 售价:Rp140,880原价:Rp188,000规格 国家/地区: 印尼商品分类:图书&杂志&音频 / 教育 / 教材 佣金比例:15%上架时间:2022-09-11 12:01:25 商品体验分: 4.9/ 5 进入TikTok官方商品主页 商品所属店铺 店铺名称: forumedukasi 国家/地区: 印尼 主营: 图书...
The purpose of this study was to identify the cognitive level of competency test questions in the mathematics textbook for students of 2013 Curriculum for SMP/MTs grade 7th semester 1 reviewed from Revised Bloom Taxonomy. Therefore, this type of research is descriptive research. The data source in...