ANALISIS MUATAN PENDIDIKAN KARAKTER DALAM BUKU TEKS KURIKULUM 2013 KELAS III SD SEMESTER 1The aim of this study is to describe character education content of the third grade elementary school curriculum 2013 textbook semester 1. The design of this study was content analysis by qualitative approach....
BUKU KURIKULUM MERDEKA TOP FOKUS SD KELAS 1-6 售价:Rp140,880原价:Rp188,000规格 国家/地区: 印尼商品分类:图书&杂志&音频 / 教育 / 教材 佣金比例:15%上架时间:2022-09-11 12:01:25 商品体验分: 4.9/ 5 进入TikTok官方商品主页 商品所属店铺 店铺名称: forumedukasi 国家/地区: 印尼 主营: 图书...
Muatan Nilai-Nilai Karakter Pada Buku Teks Kurikulum 2013 Pegangan Guru dan Pegangan Siswa Kelas II Semester Satu Sekolah DasarA culture has an important in for the development of the character of the young generation, because in the... A Mumpuni 被引量: 0发表: 2016年 PENGGUNAAN METODE JARI...
Pemanfaatan Penggunaan Buku Siswa Mata Pelajaran PPKnudKelas Xi Pada Kurikulum 2013 (Studi Kasus pada Siswa Kelas XI IPS 3 di SMA Negeri 1 Gemolong) 机译:利用学生书本PPKn主题2013年课程Xi班(SMA Negeri 1 Gemolong的XI IPS 3级学生案例研究) 代理...
It can be seen on students' text book Grade V Theme I Curriculum 2013 which has been fulfill child right but it is required to be actualized more in real learning process by the teacher.doi:10.23917/ppd.v3i2.4745Wahdan Najib Habibyika candra sayektiProfesi Pendidikan Dasar...
Karakteristik Verba dalam Buku Teks Bahasa Indonesia SMP Kelas VII Kurikulum 2013 Revisi 2016 ( The Characteristics of Verbs in 7th Grade Junior High School Indonesian Language Textbook of 2013 Curriculum 2016 Revision )doi:10.36567/JALABAHASA.V13I2.83Evi Arifiani...
The purpose of this study is to know about the image perception of teachers and students of SMP Pekanbaru to the quality of science text book 2013 based curriculum for SMP/MTs VII grade published byKemendikbud. The research was conductedfrom February to July 2014. The sample in this study am...