ANALISIS BUKU AJAR BAHASA ARAB SISWA KELAS VIII MTs/SMP ISLAM DALAM PERSEPEKTIF GENDERArabic LanguageGenderIn the process of teaching and learning Arabic, Textbooks are present in perfecting the trilogy of learning elements, including teachers, students and the teaching material itself. However, in ...
The aim of this research is to comprehensively describing readability of Bahasa Indoesia's students text book. The books is "Buku Siswa Bahasa Indonesia Kelas VII" revision edition 2014, published by Ministry of Education and Culture. Research was conducted with descriptive quantitative design. All...
doi:10.36567/JALABAHASA.V13I2.83Evi ArifianiWagiran WagiranHaryadi HaryadiBalai Bahasa Jawa Tengah