Azure networking services Next steps This page is an index of Azure Policy built-in policy definitions for Azure networking services. For additional Azure Policy built-ins for other services, see Azure Policy built-in definitions.The name of each built-in policy definition links to the policy de...
客戶應用程式可以連線到 SQL 受控執行個體,並且可以查詢和更新虛擬網路、對等互連虛擬網路或透過 VPN 或 Azure ExpressRoute 連線網路內的資料庫。下圖顯示連線到 SQL 受控執行個體的實體, 也會顯示需要與受控執行個體通訊的資源。 圖表底部的通訊程序代表連線到 SQL 受控執行個體作為資料來源的客戶應用程式與工具。
Desktop Experience feature Destination Folder Access Denied - Copying File to the root of C:\ Destination Host Unreachable Destinations needed for MAK activation of Windows Servers in a restricted network Detect third party antivirus or firewall in Windows Server OS Determine who re-enabled an AD ...
If the proxy option is not flexible enough for you, you can get direct access to the Express app instance and hook up your own proxy middleware.You can use this feature in conjunction with the proxy property in package.json, but it is recommended you consolidate all of your logic into ...
客户应用程序可连接到 SQL 托管实例,还可查询和更新虚拟网络、对等虚拟网络或通过 VPN 或 Azure ExpressRoute 连接的网络中的数据库。 下图显示了连接到 SQL 托管实例的实体。 它还显示了需要与托管实例通信的资源。 关系图底部的通信过程表示作为数据源连接到 SQL 托管实例的客户应用程序和工具。 SQL 托管实例...
Bijvoorbeeld OpsManager voor Windows-agent, direct verbinden of Operations Manager, Linux voor alle Linux-agents of Azure voor Azure Diagnostics _SubscriptionId tekenreeks Een unieke id voor het abonnement waaraan de record is gekoppeld TenantId tekenreeks De id van de Log Analytics-werkruimte ...
How can I delete the static variable of a structure? How can I determine the size of a Dialog Box which is larger than the CFormView? How can I disable a context menu item when I use MFC Feature Pack? How Can I do FullScreen Capture using DirectX10 or DirectX11? How can I download...
客户应用程序可连接到 SQL 托管实例,还可查询和更新虚拟网络、对等虚拟网络或通过 VPN 或 Azure ExpressRoute 连接的网络中的数据库。 下图显示了连接到 SQL 托管实例的实体。 它还显示了需要与托管实例通信的资源。 关系图底部的通信过程表示作为数据源连接到 SQL 托管实例的客户应用程序和工...
Human-related NFRs: These types of requirements deal with constraints related to the stakeholders and the social and societal context in which the system is deployed. Usability requirements: The application needs to be easy to understand and use by new users. It must also feature a demo the fir...