command[-pVv]command[arg...] 运行command,使用args作为参数,禁止通常的查找 shell 函数的过程。只有内建命令或者PATH中包含的命令可以执行。如果给出-p参数,command的查找是以PATH的默认值进行的。这样可以保证找到所有的标准工具。如果给出-V或者-v选项,关于command的说明将被打印出来。-v选项使得表述这个命令的词...|基于6个网页 3. 内建命令 这类命令称为 bash 的内建命令(built-in commands)。用 help 可以查阅 bash 有那些内建命令。|基于5个网页 更多释义 例句
builtins, case, cd, chdir, command, complete, continue, default,dirs, do, done, echo, echotc, elif, else, end, endif, endsw, esac, eval,exec, exit, export, false, fc, fg, filetest, fi, for, foreach, getopts,glob, goto, hash, hashstat, history, hup, if, jobid, jobs, kill...
1.命令简介 fc(Fix Command)可以列出、编辑、重新执行历史命令。 fc 可以用来查看历史命令,也可以利用使用指定的编辑器编辑并运行最近输入的命令,而不需要重新输入整个命令。 使用Linux的过程中,在处理很长的并且包含复杂语法的命令时,如果不小心犯了一点小错误,需要重新输入整个命令以及参数,直到命令执行成功为止。另...
builtin 执行指定的 Shell 内置程序,传递参数,并返回其退出状态。 这在定义一个名称与 Shell 内置命令相同的函数时非常有用,可以在函数内通过 builtin 使用内置命令。 builtin 命令用以执行 Shell 内建命令,既然是内建命令,为什么还要以这种方式执行呢?
If bash finds a slash character ( ) anywhere in a command, the shell will not run the built-in command, even if the last component of the specified command matches the name of a builtin command. As an example, using the command echo will run the version of the command that is built...
leturi=Uri.file('/some/path/to/folder');letsuccess=awaitcommands.executeCommand('vscode.openFolder',uri); Note: You can review the full set of VS Code commands via the Keyboard Shortcuts editorFile>Preferences>Keyboard Shortcuts. The Keyboard Shortcuts editor lists all commands built into VS...
There is a built-in command list which outputs all the standard options and the registered commands: $ php application.php list You can get the same output by not running any command as well $ php application.php The help command lists the help information for the specified command. For exa...
aliasUsed to create a shortcut or an alternative name for a command. bgMoves suspended or stopped jobs in the background. bindIt is used to show or modify the keybindings. breakUsed within loops to terminate the loop and continue the execution outside the loop. ...
Trap is a shell built-in command that is used to catch any supported signal and react upon it. You might have come across a few shell scripts on the Internet, which are used in production, that use a keyword calledtrap. Naturally, you are wondering what the heck is thistrapkeyword, how...