but it’s much lighter, making it one of the best sets inElden Ring—especially for Strength characters.Redditor AphoticFlash ranked all armor pieces inElden Ringbased on Poise, defense, and weight, and concluded that the Young Lion’s Set is the most efficient armor set in the game. With...
An enterprising uncle created a steampunk version of the NES for his nephew and posted about the undertakingon Redditearlier today. Using the top-loadingNES-101model, which Nintendo released in 1993, Redditor Andrew 5785 wrapped metal and wood onto the body of the NES, rewired the on/off sw...
not again...". And no,I was not quoting Agrajagfrom Hitch Hiker's Guide to the Galaxy but rather expressing my exasperation on Microsoft's antics. However, I found something very interesting in my reddit feeds as well. The subredditr/PCMasterRacehas posted very ...