Additional binutils options: 附加的 binutils 选择,不填即可 GCC compiler Version: //GCC版本选择,gcc 6.x Additional gcc options: //附件的GCC选项,不填写即可 Enable C++ support: 使能C++支持,选上 Enable Fortran support: //使能Fortran语言支持,不选 Enable compiler link-time-optimization support://是否...
GCC compiler Version:GCC版本选择,gcc 6.x Additional gcc options:附件的GCC选项,不填写即可 Enable C++ support:使能C++支持,选上 Enable Fortran support:使能Fortran语言支持,不选 Enable compiler link-time-optimization support:是否支持LTO,不选,LTO是什么:
it may be useful to install it somewhere else, so that it can be used to compile other programs or by other users. Moving the build_ARCH/staging_dir/ directory elsewhere isnot possible if using gcc-3.x, because there are some hardcoded paths in the toolchain configuration....
GCC compiler Version:GCC 编译器版本,选择为 gcc 8.x Additional gcc options:额外的 GCC 选项,保持默认为空就好,如果需要,就自己填写 语言支持:可以支持 C++ ,Fortran,支持 C++即可 Enable compiler link-time-optimization support:此选项支持gcc中的链接时间优化(LTO)。 Enable compiler OpenMP support:为编译器...
GCC compiler version (gcc 3.4.6) -à [ ] Enable setjmp /longjmp exceptions? () Additional gcc options [ ]Build/install c++ compiler and libstdc++? [ ]Build/install Objective –C compiler and runtime? [ ]Build/install Fortran compiler and runtime?
不妨点赞、转发,并在评论区交流一下。 Toolchain-> Toolchain type (Buildroot toolchain) = Buildroot toolchain-> GCC compiler Version (gec 9.x)= gcc 9.x-> [*] Enable toolchain locale/i18n support-> [*] Enable C++ support-> [*] Enable MMU support (NEW)...
buildroot/output/:是编译出来的输出⽂件夹,⾥⾯的build/⽬录存放着解压后的各种软件包编译完后的现场。host:是由各类源码编译后在你主机上运⾏的⼯具(build for host)的安装⽬录,如arm-linux-gcc就是安装在这⾥.编译出来的主机⼯具在host/usr下 根⽬录所需要的库及⼀些基本⽬录就在...
g++: internal compiler error: Killed (program cc1plus) Please submit a full bug report buildroot 下的 busybox 配置 buildroot 在构建根文件系统的时候也是要用到 busybox 的,既然用到了 busybox 那么就涉及到 busybox 的配置。buildroot 会自动下载 busybox 压缩包,buildroot 下载的源码压缩包都存放在/dl ...
Change the version of the GCC compiler, binutils and the C library. // 更改GCC编译器、binutils和C库的版本。 Select a number of toolchain options (uClibc only): whether the toolchain should have RPC support (used mainly for NFS), wide-char support, locale support (for internationalization), ...
–gcc (version 4.8 or any later) –g++ (version 4.8 or any later) –bash –patch –gzip –bzip2 –perl (version 5.8.7 or any later) –tar –cpio –unzip –rsync –file (must be in /usr/bin/file) –device-tree-compiler –bc ...