Oliver E, Wilson J. Practical Security in Commerce and Industry. 3rd ed. UK: Gower Press; 1978:69. ♦♦ See the section “Patrol Management Devices” in Chapter 5. 34 Dobbie T. Patrol techniques. In: Protection Officer Training Manual. 5th ed. Calgary, Alberta, Canada: International Fo...
Humans have shared buildings with bats for thousands of years, probably as early as first humans built primitive huts. Indeed, many bat species can be defined as synanthropic, i.e., they have a strong ecological association with humans. Bats have been ob
Alam, M.; Jamil, H.; Sanjayan, J.; Wilson, J. Energy saving potential of phase change materials in major Australian cities. Energy Build. 2014, 78, 192–201. [CrossRef] 14. Ascione, F.; Bianco, N.; De Masi, R.F.; De' Rossi, F.; Vanoli, G.P. Energy refurbishment of ...
12. Shahid, S.A.; Abdelfattah, M.A.; Othman, Y.; Kumar, A.; Taha, F.K.; Kelley, J.A.; Wilson, M.A. Innovative Thinking for Sustainable Use of Terrestrial Resources in AD Emirate Through Scientific Soil Inventory and Policy Development. In Developments in Soil Classification, Land ...