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“Basically, ChatGLM is a ChatGPT alternative,” said Jie Tang, a computer scientist at Tsinghua University in Beijing, during a talk presenting ChatGLM’s capabilities at theInternational Conference on Learning Representations (ICLR 2024)in Vienna on 9 May. ChatGPT is not available in China. B...
《使用ChatGPT API构建系统》是一个综合性教程,探讨了利用ChatGPT API开发和部署交互式智能系统的方法。通过API利用ChatGPT模型的能力,使开发人员能够创建能够理解和生成类似人类文本回应的应用和服务。通过概述ChatGPT API的功能和特性,本教程为读者提供了构建基于自然语言处理的创新和复杂系统所需的知识和工具。 Chat...
Microsoft’s low-code and copilot-driven AI builder makes it easy to train chatbots on internal data, and ‘boost’ them with GPT and external data sources when appropriate.
《使用ChatGPT API构建系统》是一个综合性教程,探讨了利用ChatGPT API开发和部署交互式智能系统的方法。通过API利用ChatGPT模型的能力,使开发人员能够创建能够理解和生成类似人类文本回应的应用和服务。通过概述ChatGPT API的功能和特性,本教程为读者提供了构建基于自然语言处理的创新和复杂系统所需的知识和工具。 ChatGP...
吴恩达在deeplearning.ai平台上发布了几门课程。我比较感兴趣的是Building Systems with ChatGPT API。 这里简单做个总结。 第一节——LLM是如何工作的,TOKENS, Chat Formats 文本如何生成 使用supervised learning,神经网络通过学习标注好的数据,学到输入输出之间的关系,也就是f(x)= y,来重复地预测下一个字,直到...
吴恩达老师今年以来发布了四个关于AI的短期课程,其中一个月前发布的《ChatGPT Prompt Engineering》这门课因质量之高,好评如潮。我之前也写过这个课的学习总结,有兴趣的可以去看看《吴恩达和OpenAI的ChatGPT Prompt Engineering课程学习总结》。 最近吴恩达老师发布的三个AI课程都是跟技术相关的,推荐技术人员都可以去看...
#1: How to Create Custom GPTs to Boost Your Productivity To start creating your own custom GPTs, you'll need apaid ChatGPT account, as the custom GPT feature is unavailable on the free version. Once you have that, you're ready to begin crafting your AI assistant. ...
Is ChatGPT Building or Destroying Education? Perception of University Students in Tanzaniadoi:10.38159/jelt.2024541Matto, GeorgeJournal of Education & Learning Technology
OPENAI_KEY=your-openai-api-key-here You will learn how to work with this file in the next section. If you plan on putting your project under source control, make sure this file is excluded, as you would not want to accidentally share your OpenAI key. Sending ChatGPT requests from Python...