Thereby, this C4 cell will be linked with the G13 cells in the Material Cost worksheet and will give the value of G13. ➤ Similarly, write the following equation in C5 and press ENTER. ='Labor Cost'!F11 Here, Labor Cost :- Worksheet Name F11:- Cell Reference There must be some Fi...
For example, 45% of CASBEE categories deal with the infrastructural aspects of buildings ( Seo, 2001 ). Thermal load, use of natural energy, system efficiency, and efficient operations are the energy indicators of CASBEE.Table 8 presents the CASBEE scoring worksheet for the energy sub-criterion....
The data required to conduct this study were obtained from different sources: (i) the retail group’s technical department provided the building’s projects, bills of quantities for all building services, winning contractor’s bid, and energy bills of the store; (ii) the worksheet, where the ...