and his construction superintendent came to inspect the job. The owner also came out to see what was going on and we’re eager to help get the job done for us! They gave a very fair bid, kept me updated through the whole project and had it completed in a matter of weeks. They ...
Seed Research, in the search for the best 18 greens in North America, declared Turtle Hill as having the best public greens in Texas, and placed them third in the state overall. Joe Cano, former superintendent at Colonial Country Club, says, “they’re Tour quality.” ...
ents include safety specialist, superintendent, and other management roles. 44..22.. BBuuiillddiinngg IInnffoorrmmaattiioonn MMooddeelllliinngg SShhoorrttccoommiinnggss IItt iiss aassssuummeedd tthhaatt aallll tteecchhnnoollooggyy ssoolluuttiioonnss ccoommee wwiitthh sshhoorrttccoommiinn...