Fire Safety Engineering. Fire risk assessment-Example of an office buildingEmergency exitsFirefightingHazard prevention in buildingsAtria (buildings)Fire doorsLiftsManagementFire testsAssembly facilitiesCirculation and space systems (buildings交叉引用:ISO 167321:2012购买时可用的所有当前修订版均包含在本文件的购买...
Analysis of the weightiness of site effects on reinforced concrete (RC) building seismic behaviour: The Adra town example (SE Spain) The damage distribution in Adra town (south-eastern Spain) during the 1993 and 1994 Adra earthquakes (5.0 magnitude), that reached a maximum intensity degr... ...
Flooding that produces loose floor tiles mean that they can become broken up - a possible source of airborne asbestos dust in the building. Without knowing the actual condition of your floor it's hard to be more specific about the actual risk level without a competent onsite inspection. Meanwhi...
3.4.1. Energy in comprehensive assessment system for Built environment efficiency The current sustainability assessment tools for urban areas such as CASBEE, BREEAM, and LEED have given little importance (about 14–18%) to resources and energy. For example, 45% of CASBEE categories deal with the...
2-1MOVINGFROMRISKASSESSMENTTOIMPLEMENTATIONOFINCREMENTALbuILDINGPROTECTION 2 MOVingFROMRiskassessMenttOiMPLeMentatiOn OFinCReMentaLBUiLDingPROteCtiOn t heterrorismriskassessmentprocess describedinFEMA452,RiskAssessment:A How-ToGuidetoMitigatePotentialTerrorist AttacksAgainstBuildings,helpsbuildingowners toassessmajorvulnerabili...
other specific impacts may be relevant, depending on the project. The combination of likelihood and consequence determines the overall rating of a risk event, which is often visualised through a risk assessment matrix, such as the example in Figure 2, providing a clear basis for stakeholders to ...
Risk assessment Impact Vulnerability Building damage Deep excavation Contingency table 1. Introduction Groundwork projects, such as deep excavations and tunnelling, are increasingly common in highly urbanized areas. Use of the underground is not limited to large-scale infrastructure projects (Broere, 2016...
For example, if the LCA is completed on a building enclosure system, then the system boundary will likely exclude the primary building structure that supports the façade. The assessment might or might not include the clips, brackets, and lintels that are used to attach the façade to the...
Following the Grenfell tower incident, fire safety is being re-examined around the world. One key area is planning and building approval. It has been sugge