HSN Codes for Building Materials GST Rate for Sand GST Rate for Gravel, Crushed Stone, Marble and Granites Gravel and Crushed Stone Marble and Granite Blocks Building Stone GST Rate for Cement GST Rate for Iron and Steel GST Rate for Bricks GST Rate for Tiles GST Rate for Interiors used in...
Furthermore, the nonlinear behavior allows to use the post-elastic resources of materials, that is an important concept of the performance-based seismic design [14]. In this latter approach the design requires to compare the seismic demand with the building capacity, both expressed in terms of ...
Under these assumptions, a stress analysis model using the mechanics of materials is established that finds an optimal displacement solution using the energy minimization principle. To apply the Beams model to building displacement, Bader [13] demonstrated a mechanism that could maintain the building ...
BIM produces a virtual model of the building digitally [4] that not only has precise dimensions of the project, but also other beneficial layers of information such as the cost of used materials and building life cycle costs [5]. Seeing the project model virtually makes it possible for the ...
sustainability Article Analysis of Sustainable Materials for Radiative Cooling Potential of Building Surfaces Roxana Family * ID and M. Pinar Mengüç * Center for Energy, Environment and Economy (CEEE) and Department of Mechanical Engineering, Ozyegin University, 34794 Çekmekoy, Istanbul, Turkey ...