Multi-lua for Windows script This batchfile will download, compile and configure a Lua installation with versions 5.1, 5.2, 5.3, and 5.4 in parallel. Including the accompanying LuaRocks package manager for each version. Prerequisites Make sure you have a compiler in your path; ...
TLDR: we might need to useclang-cl /std:<version>to make this problem go away. I'll fix these flags inclang_cl.luaand send a pull request after checking if it works. I have improved it, try it again.xmake update -s dev Sorry, something went wrong. ...
Was wondering why my wdbg_stub didn't get picked up, turns out due to a bug I introduced into premake5.lua the windows-only cpp files got omitted during compilation So, some time later that stuff is fixed and builds as well. Came across a curious thing static_assert((void*)intptr_...
VLC_PATHSpecify directory of downloaded VLC source files (required for VLC source plugin)NonemacOS and Windows VariableDescriptionDefaultOS ENABLE_UIEnable building with UI (main OBS application)ONAll ENABLE_SCRIPTINGEnable scripting functionality (Lua and/or Python)ONAll ...
Lakka is still under heavy development. In its current state, the project allows you to play most games on most platforms. However, expect bugs, missing features or features not working as intended, and hardware that is yet to be supported. If you find a bug, you can declare it in our...
Windows¶ SetupGit Bashthen setupGo. When you done with these setupMinGW-w64and add it to your PATH. Download extract it for example in C: Setup MinGW-w64 and add it to your PATH Download
Installing Windows Subsystem for Linux Note: We currently recommend using Ubuntu 22.04 for the MinGW build. The following instructions will install the recommended version of Ubuntu on WSL. If you are building on Windows and do not have WSL already setup this will install WSL and Ubuntu (Requires...
2022-05-15WSL, Neovim, Lua, and the Windows Clipboard 2022-01-22Notes from working with the NREL Building Component Library API 2021-05-30Keyboard shortcut to insert date in fish shell 2020-11-22Deriving a Dew Point Temperature Approximation Formula ...
Add LUA_COMPAT_ALL compile option to LUA. 03 Jan 2021 : 1.2 - Move CURL build after NGHTTP2 and update options to include HTTP2, BROTLI and UNICODE. 16 Feb 2021 : 1.3 - Patch CURL build support for OpenSSL to force use of native CA store on Windows. Request CURL builds with ...
Describe the bug I started to create a Game Engine in Cross platform C++ on WSL2 using Conan as package manager, it works very well on WSL2 but can't compile on windows There is my conanfile.txt : [requires] gtest/1.15.0 sdl/2.28.3 sdl_i...