London, UK The client’s vision was for technology to be a key part of the design of the new building. We provided strategic advice and design services across the new stadium’s BMS systems. These included innovative control routines to optimise cooling, ensuring the comfort of staff and visi...
This week David and Marina of FAMEArchitecture&Designdiscuss theDesign-Buildmodel ofhomeconstruction. They cover the definition of the Design-Build model; lack of licensed architects in Design-Build companies; efficiency and economy; quality of construction; how costs are lowered; lack of transparency...
"G3DP is an additive manufacturing platform designed to print optically transparent glass," Oxman told ArchDaily. "The tunability enabled by geometrical and optical variation driven by form, transparency and color variation can drive; limit or control light transmission, reflection and refraction, and...
Then, during the actual event, when prices are normally high, the pre-heated (or pre-cooled) building zone would require lesser HVAC power for heating (or cooling), which saves energy costs. In this research, nonetheless, we focus only on temperature set point control to achieve DR, since...
I tweet about local businesses and events around Maidstone, as well as sites in London and across Kent and Sussex. I cover interesting bits and pieces relating to Building Surveyors, planning, design and architecture. Plus anything and everything about building control and construction work on hous...
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World Economic Forum Report Strategic interventions In our work for clients such as the British Museum, Glasgow Royal Concert Hall and Portsmouth University, our interventions to upgrade the existing control hardware included many future proofing features such as embedding semantic tagging standards and In...
Costs of building 2012 London Olympic venues soarsROB HARRIS
as warehousing and transportation are often not fast or flexible enough to cope with the large numbers of smaller orders that omnichannel requires. Stores don’t have the processes for in-store fulfillment and the underlying operating model is unclear. The result is high costs and unhappy ...
The Bank of London and South America in Buenos Aires. Photo fromMetropolis. The National School of Plastic Arts in Havana. Photo fromMetropolis Plaza of the Three Powers in Brasilia. Photo fromarchitectmagazine Miguel Rodrigo Mazuré’s project for a hotel in Machu Picchu (1969). Photo fromMetr...