Challenge of Nation-building in Africa.(Brief article)Hornblow, MicahelAmerican DiplomacyKagame, P. (2010) 'Challenges of nation-building in Africa', speech to IISS, London, September.
Whistle posts are another self-explanatory item: when they see the post, the engineer blows the whistle (or horn, but horn post sounds…wrong). These are palced in advance of grade crossings so the engineer can start the telltale horn pattern of a grade crossing: long-long-short-long. D...
Hornblow, MichaelUniv Tasmania Sch Architecture & Design Bangkok 10310 ThailandSmit, NelGreening Australia Mt Nelson Tas 7007 AustraliaGough, David MangennerTasmanian Aboriginal Cultural Serv Devonport Tas 7310 AustraliaWise, KitRMIT Univ Sch Art Melbourne Vic 3000 AustraliaBailey, Tanya...