Building Web Apps for Google TV will help you make the transition to Google TV as you learn the tools and techniques necessary to build sophisticated web apps for this platform. This book shows you how Google TV works, how it fits into the web ecosystem, and what the opportunities are for... For more options, visit this group at You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "Android Building" group. To unsubscribe from this group and stop receiving emai...
out/target/common/obj/JAVA_LIBRARIES/live-tv-tuner_intermediates/classes; echo \"-C out/empty .\") )" *packages/apps/TV/tuner/src/com/android/tv/tuner/setup/ error: package does not exist* *
Download apps by Wuxi Broadcast & TV building, including 慧直播助手 and 无锡博报 - 智慧无锡城市民生云平台.
The C# PM team is spending Wednesday-Friday of this week on app building, where we spend time using the product to write real apps. We book a conference room in a building away from our main building, put OOF messages on our email, and then spend our time programming (and reporting the...
to the internet and allowing to browse web-sites and install applications. It has own ecosystem with main players like Samsung, LG, Android TV and Apple TV. In this list you will find official and third-party resources for developing Smart TV apps and communicating with TV from remote ...
Solar2D lets you build games/apps for all major platforms including iOS, Android, Kindle, Apple TV, Android TV, macOS, and Windows. Get the free toolset!
React Native is an excellent choice for cross-platform app development, as it allows developers to build apps for iOS, Android, Windows, macOS, and the web using a single codebase. It also has the potential to support other platforms through third-party libraries and tools....
A small, yet full-featured framework that allows building View-based Android applications. Conductor provides a light-weight wrapper around standard Android Views that does just about everything you'd want: Conductor 🎉Easy integration ☝️Single Activity apps without using Fragments ...