Building controllers enable the adoption of new technologies to achieve sustainability, health, and productivity goals in modern intelligent buildings. Analog Devices brings IP connectivity to intelli
Have a place in your conversation that you need to jump to easily from other places. Don't nest conditionals more than two deep within a dialog. For example, nested switch statements can be inefficient and hard to read. You can move the inner switch statement logic to separate dialogs.Consi...
Current topics of interest from the Revit API discussion forum and elsewhere – Switch metric + imperial units – What is UV? – What is fuzz? – What is get_Parameter and get_Geometry? – Default localised workset names – Bing Chat Python and Dynamo tutor – Claude on Slack summarises ...
That has been the central question for computing architects and chip designers since the dawn of the computer age. And it’s taken on even greater urgency with AI. The greater amount of data a processor can access, the more accurate and nuanced the answers will be from the algorithm. Adding...
That has been the central question for computing architects and chip designers since the dawn of the computer age. And it’s taken on even greater urgency with AI. The greater amount of data a processor can access, the more accurate and nuanced the answers will be from the algorithm. Adding...
The Ethernet address of the packet’s destination on this particular Ethernet network segment Perhaps the destination machine, if it’s attached to this segment; otherwise, the next router in the path from here to the destination machine. Occasionally it’s a broadcast address indicating that all...
You can still switch to a self-hosted site though, if that’s something you want. If I were you, I would give your current site some time, and then when you’re ready to upgrade, move to Selma Writes on July 9, 2017 at 3:16 am Thanks for taking ...
Have you tried to flash your JN5169 devices as Hue switch/dimmer etc.? Author gerardwr commented Nov 1, 2018 @tugstugi My current "development platform" is an Innr RC110 Remote Control unit based on a JN5169 module. So far I only made builds of the standard NXP Lights code and ...
The interconnection with the building local area network (LAN) and even the Internet, comes with the cost of a wider exposition to attacks, that can either begin inside of the building or be initiated from anywhere outside of it. In contrast with other domains that recently received ...
Pair everyone up and set a two-minute timer. Give everyone a conversation starter and have them talk to each other until the timer is up. Once the timer sounds, have everyone switch partners and give them a different question. Continue until everyone has met. ...