Building a Greener Future with Thomas J. Elpel "With my background in survival skills, I recognized that it was fundamentally the same issue. We are all on one great survival trip, trying to figure out how to meet our needs for shelter, fire, water, and food - preferably without destroy...
(a) Location of south-central Alaska, USA; (b) area subsided in the AD 1964 earthquake (Plafker, 1969); (c) RSL changes reconstructed using a diatom-based transfer function; two short periods of pre-seismic submergence immediately prior to the substantial co-seismic subsidence were recognized...
10/29 Kamala supporter outlines ‘survival guide’ if Trump wins –Modernity News 10/29 Boeing to raise up to $24.3 Billion to shore up finances, stave off downgrade –Yahoo! 10/29 Boeing launches $22 Billion share offering to get breathing room, dodge junk credit rating, after having waste...