Vivekanandhan Raja, Jing Zheng, Mahesh Girkar, and Akshay Kulkarni. 2020. Oracle Database In-Memory on Active Data Guard: Real-time Analytics on a Standby Database. In 2020 IEEE 36th International Conference on Data Engineering (ICDE). IEEE, 1570–1578. [92] Simon J Pennycook, Jason D S...
Scanned ETDs present challenges different from those of their born digital counterparts. PDFs created from word processing software or LaTeX may have some structural information embedded in their coding. But scanned ETDs are basically just images. Like the physical copies they were created from, the...
In other words, the choice of a relational database for storing the data was overkill in terms of transactional consistency guarantees and too slow to handle the high write-to-read ratio of this kind of logic. After moving to a distributed caching solution, performance greatly improved. (...
Data Access - Building a Desktop To-Do Application with NHibernate By Oren Eini | December 2009 NHibernate is an Object Relational Mapper (OR/M), tasked with making it as easy to work with a database as it is to work with in-memory objects. It is one of the most popular OR/M fra...
In this article, we’ll explore the concept of database scalability, why scalable databases are so important (especially for time-series workloads), and learn how we can make a relational database more scalable, in this case, PostgreSQL. ...
Sitting up on top of the architecture is a C++ class called “Store”. Like the rest of the things that sit below the web services (which are in Java), it’s written in C++. This is the API that we use to deal with a database. To our recommendations code, thisisthe database. ...
Ping An Cloud has become the largest cloud platform in Finance industry, providing safe, stable and reliable cloud services and solutions. Embarking from the Finance industry, Ping An Cloud has expanded its services to a broader field such as Healthcare
A well defined data access tier, which provides a logical interface for accessing corporate data sources, is one of the most reused pieces of code in any system architecture. This statement, on the sudoi:10.1007/978-1-4302-1122-8_6John Carnell...
using AWS and in particular S3 for storage as an example. As of today, utility computing is not attractive for high-performance transaction processing; such application scenarios are best supported by conventional database systems. Utility computing, however, is a viable candidate for many Web 2.0...
(2001). The politics of information: Building a relational database to support decision making at a public university. Change, 33(3), 50-8.Friedman,D,and Hoff man,P.H.The Politics of information:building a relational database to support decision-making at a public university. Change . ...