net-zero energy building,意指net-zero energy building,意指 “Net-zero energy building”指的是净零能耗建筑,是一种建筑设计理念,旨在通过高效的能源系统和建筑设计,使建筑在运营过程中产生的能量与所消耗的能量达到平衡。 这种建筑的主要特点包括: 1.能源效率高:通过使用高效隔热材料、LED照明、高效电器等,降低...
Architects, Bok, Business Development, Conferences, Education, Engineers, Information, Marketing, Resources, Net Zero Energy, Net Zero Energy Buildings, Net Positive Energy, Solar Cogeneration and Solar Trigeneration energy systems
doi:10.1016/j.buildenv.2004.09.004 ^ US Life Cycle Inventory Database ^ Naturally:wood CouncilInternational Green Construction Code ^ ^ IPD Environment Code. Buildingsand structures by type Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design certifiedG Green...
• ACEEE. (2019). Energy Efficiency Can Slash Emissions and Get US Halfway to Climate Goals. American Council of Energy-Efficient Economy. Retrieved from: Energy Efficiency Can Slash Emissions and Get US Halfway to Climate Goals • Banerjee, Reshmi. (2015). Importance of Net Zero Energy ...
2010 EU Nearly Zero-energy Buildings Buildings with a very high energy efficiency, whose energy demand is close to zero or very low, and their energy supply is largely from renewable energy sources at or near the site European Comission (2020) 2013 Canada Net Zero- Energy Home A home that ...
更多“Net-ZeroEnergyBuilding,意指()”相关的问题 第1题 德国那一年达到净零能耗建筑()。 A.2020 B.2030 C.2025 D.2040 点击查看答案 第2题 “零能耗建筑”的概念最早是由丹麦的艾斯本森(Ebcnsen)教授在进行()利用试验时提出的 A.潮汐能 B.核能 C.水能 D.太阳能 点击查看答案 第3题 建筑物...
建立英国零碳电网系统-Building a GB electricity netw ork ready for net zero 热度: A low energy building in a life cycle-its embodied energy, energy need for operation and recycling potential 热度: Energy - Batteries in a Portable World - A Handbook on Rechargeable Batteries for Non-...
Net-Zero Energy CommunityEnergy StorageNet-zero energy buildings and communities,which are receiving increasing interest, and the role of energy storage in them,are described. A net-zero energy building or community is defined as one that,in an average year, produces as much energy from renewable...
H. Ala, Optimal Design of Net Zero Energy Buildings (Linköping University Electronic Press, Swedon, 2011). Google Scholar Shady G. Attia, Andre De Herde, “Early Design Simulation Tools for Net Zero Energy Building: A comparison of Ten Tools” Proceedings of Building Simulation of Conference...
The aim of this work is to model the energy consumption and the on-site production of an existing building, the Leaf House (LH), that was designed in order to be a Net Zero CO2 emission home. For a more effective use of energy some of the most advanced available technologies in the ...