“This book is a victory on both sides of the page.”—Gloria Steinem “Are you one of us?” a patient once asked Marsha Linehan, the world-renowned psychologist who developed Dialectical... (展开全部) 作者简介· ··· Marsha M. Linehan, PhD, ABPP, is the developer of Dialectical...
011225: 越读越觉得中文版题目翻译得糟糕,Marsha Linehan说的“Building a Life Worth Living”本意是她认为每个患者都期待着构建自己有意义的人生,治疗师需要做的是教会他们生活的技巧。这个洞察包含着Prof. Linehan对患者能动性的信任。而作者增添的“人间值得”则是强调外部客观环境的作用,一定程度上抹杀了DBT的人本...
读书笔记, Building A Life Worth Living. 来围观一下不能发送的原因。 不过我写得有点辛苦,还是要想办法发出来。 长图 û收藏 1 14 ñ25 评论 o p 同时转发到我的微博 按热度 按时间 正在加载,请稍候... 查看更多 a 439关注 9.3万粉丝 10943微博 微关系 她的关注...
Building a Life Worth Living: A Memoir *MENTAL illness*NONFICTIONLibrary journal.Clark, Chad
Dialectical Behavior Therapy and the COVID-19 Pandemic: Building a Life Worth Living in the Face of an Unrelenting CrisisThe COVID-19 global pandemic has drastically altered the way in which the world operates and human beings interact. The COVID-19 pandemic has affected the bodies, finances,...
We all stretch the truth from time to time. The real problem is when our lies spread to thousands of people, assisted by recent technological advancements such as social media or artificial intelligence. This has a real impact on the decisions people make—such as who to vote for or whether...
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With the accelerated integration of the GBA, the "one-hour living circle" has been realised through a convenient road network and highly efficient customs measures, which have greatly facilitated the work and life of Hong Kong and Macau residents. ...
knowledge is lofty and grand—your in-depth notes from a book on history that could change how you think about the world. Or anything in between. A knowledge asset is anything that can be used in the future to solve a problem, save time, illuminate a concept, or learn from past ...
etc.Marsha is a unique person. You could tell from her lifelong journey and experiences. She’s also an extremely intelligent person who has her own set of values and beliefs, which you could tell from writing and style the entire book.Because Marsha once suffered as a mental health patient...