On this antenna we decided not to go through the endcap / copper tape nightmare and glued directly to the reflector. We have not tested this yet. hopefully it will work. To adjust for not having a bolted down endcap, we decided to use a lot of caulk Put the caulk in here. Here is ...
Before you can solder the antenna needs to be elevated a few inches so that you can heat underneath each joint. Make sure that the measurements are still correct and that "B" is parallel with "A". When it’s ready, solder it. Fire up your propane torch. Pick a joint and start heati...
Antennas fed with open wire line and a tuner have been de rigueur for many years. You can load up most anything with a tuner, but getting a decent signal to radiate is something else. For design, I defer to the antenna experts. All of my antenna projects have, unabashedly, been based...
These devices also help determine if a device emits harmful radiation.For example: The antenna in your cell phone was likely tested in such a way.This was to ensure energy transmitted is safe for humans.To ‘prove’ no energy was leaking at frequencies outside the safe spectrum. But these ...
Adam capacitively connects the 1.3 GHz local oscillator to the input of the LNA4ALL, which causes the input signal to be mixed with the input signal from the antenna. This moves a test 2.8 GHz signal down to 1.5 GHz, which is receivable by the RTL-SDR....
A bit of vintage ham radio history http://www.gemoto/FM.htm Other links of interest for those who appreciate the finer things in life: Roger Coulson, WA1NVC info on Roger's repeaters Roger working on FARA's new 440 machine Kim Peck, WA1PBU ...
The instructions should tell you how to tune the antenna but if you need help and an antenna analyzer as well, hit up your nearest airplane-building ham radio buddy (there are a lot of us) and he/she/I will be glad to help.
Antenna switches for a variety of wireless applications • Set-top boxes 11 RRF/FI/FIFBbuuildildininggBblolockcsk:s:Aspppelcicifaitciaotniosns Wideband RF/IF specifications Device VCC range (V) ICC (max) (mA) Mixer Gain (dB) 12 dB SINAD IF BW (MHz) *Data Rate (Mbps) RSSI dynamic...
The Little Roo receiver is available for £29 and comes with everything you need to build a high-quality Direct Conversion (DC) receiver, including a mint tin in which to house it, with a nice printed label. All you need do is add an antenna, earphones (or small speaker) and a ...
The present invention relates to the optimization of the base station or the base station antenna position according to the distribution within the subscriber buildings. The step of optimizing the location process according to the invention is done by an automated manner in which the algorithm as a...