Building your own Network-Attached Storage can be a fun experience. Not only do you get to customize the hardware per your storage needs, but you also get the option to experiment with differentNAS-centric operating systems. WhileTrueNAS ScaleandUnraidare the most popular options in the hardcore...
I enjoyed the 'Simple Storage' article in issue 357 and had good results making my own networkattached storage (Nas) device for sharing documents over a network. An old computer with a new hard disk is ideal or there are deals online for older models. You don't need to buy a copy of...
Use your NAS as the centerpiece of the LAN and build from there. Having a home office or a space where all your tech can reside is a good way to keep everything neat and organized, especially when working with numerous ethernet cables. Building your own NAS also means you need to work...
QNAP NAS w/minimserver, iBuypower i7 13700kf, RTXa5000 24g GPU, Ubuntu 24.04 LTS minimal server, HQPe v5 x64 avx2, HQPDcontrol4, HQPlayer Client iOS, mconnect playerHD, JplayiOS, Daphile on Asus PN-51-s1 (AMD 5700u) in Akasa fanless case, NAA 5.0.2 image on Fitlet2 , Lampiza...
Hello good people. I recently bought my apartment. Right now I am looking to build a Nas to edit videos directly of of it, Build my own Router/WAP/SWITCH and also get into Smart Home. I have no idea about these things. I want to build something thats future proof and reliable. I ...
Hey everyone. I am planning to build my own NAS (Truenas) and I'm kind of stuck on choosing what hard drives should I use. I don't have a lot of budget laying around so I figured here's what I should build. Storage needed: Around 10-15TB of storage. CPU:
NAS technology in a deeper way. I realized that I would want to do more things with my NAS box than the Drobo would allow. The Drobo is not really powerful enough or doesn’t have a good enough operating system for doing things like media encoding or handling a home surveillance system....
IEC and IAEA judge that FPGA technology is a good replacement for Programmable Logic Controller (PLC) of Nuclear Instrumentation and Control System. FPGAs are currently highlighted as an alternative means for obsolete control systems. Because the main function inside an FPGA is initially developed as...
ASRock Rack do some excellent micro-ATX and mini-ITX motherboards ideal for custom NASs: This one is a good example that I think ticks all your boxes: X570D4U-2L2T/BCM Been using an ITX one with IPMI and ECC in my own ...
you can take advantage of rapid storage and caching. There's never a case of "too many" ports, so it's always good to overboard with the ability to expand your NAS further down the line. And remember: each PCI slot can be used for SATA expansion cards, adding yet more ports to your...