The Bolt Pistol used by Space Marines in Warhammer 40000 table-top combat game is as iconic as the Bolter in the science fiction world. Today, when I am building the airsoft Bolter (see "Cross-Reference" below), I realize how easy it is to build an airsoft Bolt Pistol using the M4 ...
Time to build a new gaming table. A lot has changed for me since I built that last table. The biggest change is that my wife and I bought a house. Now I have all the room I need – a dedicated Warhammer room, in fact. The previous owners put a pool table in this room, which ...
Several months ago, my son mentioned he was playing Warhammer 40k on his PC from time to time and asked me to paint him a Space Marine to sit on his computer desk. This sort of touched my heart as in all the years of seeing me play wargames and paint miniature army’s he never rea...
Like all good ideas that come in the shower, it dawned on me that not all “6×4” games are actually 6×4 these days. Warhammer for example. GW have moved both 40K and AoS to 44×60 inches. That’s basically 5×4. And now that is a standard gaming size, there are gaming mats...