Passionate team-leader and hands-on engineer at Microsoft Azure Industry PaaS product teams with love and interest for trying out new technologies and building new stuff for the cloud and the edge. .NET (C#), Python, Go, Azure Compute, Azure AD, Identity
We used the quantitative and qualitative aspects of tall and narrow tree cavities as a design reference since the community-level immunity of honeybees has evolved in such environments. The main function of the overall hive morphology is to be durable supporting a full bee colony, living mycelium...
biomimetics Article Building from the Bottom Up: A Closer Look into the Teaching and Learning of Life's Principles in Biomimicry Design Thinking Courses Laura Lee Stevens 1,*, Michelle Fehler 2 , Deborah Bidwell 3, Asha Singhal 4 and Dayna Baumeister 2 1 Industrial Design Engineering, The ...
sustainability Review Occupant Behavior Impact on Building Sustainability Performance: A Literature Review Habtamu Tkubet Ebuy 1,2,*, Hind Bril El Haouzi 1,*, Riad Benelmir 2 and Remi Pannequin 1 1 Université de Lorraine, CRAN, UMR 7039, Campus Sciences, BP 70239, 54506 Vandœuvre-Lès...
tTimhee.fiTnhdeinfignsdoinfgths eofcothmepcroemhpenreshiveensrievveierwe- pvrioewvidperopvriadcetiptiroancetirtsioinnetrhsiisnfitehlids fwieiltdhwaivthalauvaabllueakbnleowknleodwgleedbgaesebaasnedamndaymbaey ubseeufuselfiunl einsteasbtlaisbhliisnhgindgifdfeifrfeenretnsttrsatrteagteigesietso...
In this DfMA setup, all relevant faculties of the design, i.e., architectural, structural, MEP and interior designs, are integrated with the necessary detailing and instructions for its in-factory manufacturing, transportation and on-site handling and assembly. A well-organised Building Information ...
As a result, storage options to utilize the energy with such a production pattern will further gain importance. Research from [5] is related to the systems for energy storage methods and their appli- cation in power production facilities and plants. Besides thermal energy storage (TES), there ...
skisnksinosfotfhtehseasnadnwdwicihchstsrtuructcutureres.s.TThheesskkininsswweerree bboonnddeedd ttoo tthheeccoorreessuussininggaasysynnth-etic resin thetic resaindhaedshiveesi(vFeev(FiceovlicSoHl )S.HA).scAhesmchaetmicaotifcthoef sthaendswanidchwsictrhuscttruurcetucorensciodnesrieddeirnedthi...
energies Review Building Energy Simulation and Monitoring: A Review of Graphical Data Representation Ofelia Vera-Piazzini 1 , Massimiliano Scarpa 2 and Fabio Peron 1,* 1 Laboratory of Building Physics, Università Iuav di Venezia, Via Torino, 153/A, 30172 Venezia, Italy 2 Department of ...
oAfdtdhiencgoaatcionlgo.uAredddilnaygear coloured between the actbievtewlaeeynerthanedactthiveelilgahytesroaunrdcethime lpiglihest sthouatr,cdeuimrinpglieths ethlatm, dinuartiinogntphreolcaemssi,nation p an extra layer isanadedxterda tloaytehreims aodddueled sttoacthke. Amcocdourdleinsgtatc...