resulting tuple onto the stack:: if count == 0: value = () else: STACK = STACK[:-count] value = tuple(STACK[-count:]) STACK.append(value) Linked PRs gh-123550: Fix code snippet of BUILD_TUPLE in dis docs #123551 [3.13] gh-123550: Fix code snippet of BUILD_TUPLE in...
importorg.apache.pig.test.Util;//导入方法依赖的package包/类@TestpublicvoidtestGetCountryNameGoodIPv6PublicOne()throwsIOException{//Test Google DNS IP// tuple = Util.buildTuple("2001:4860:4860::8888"); assertEquals("Good IPv6 Public Address return ...
The refcount check and increment are not atomic, so in the free-threading build multiple threads can end up operating on the result object. It is possible that one thread already sets an item in the tuple, and another thread decrefs the item believing it is still an old item....
build_meta doesn't use a fresh dist directory, which causes ValueError unpacking tuple #1671 Closed pganssle opened this issue Feb 4, 2019· 33 comments · Fixed by #1745 Closed build_meta doesn't use a fresh dist directory, which causes ValueError unpacking tuple #1671 pganssle open...
XO is a library that provides some e(x)tended (o)bjects to build strictly typed arrays such as Map, Set, Tuple or any type of TypedArray's, and also String and Number objects that are not objects natively in PHP. You can use Map, Set and Tuple to build strict arrays and also use...
Build of Azure Functions project using Microsoft.NET.Sdk.Functions 1.0.8 fails with error Could not load file or assembly 'System.ValueTuple, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=cc7b13ffcd2ddd51' or one of its dependencies. Feb 21, 2018 hsakoh commented Feb 27, 2018 Temporar...