e.g. to avoid installing static libs when they have been explicitly disabled I'm not sure if you'd rather organize this differently so there are fewer conditionals, but this was the way to make the...
so, in this change, we add two options Seastar_BUILD_STATIC_LIBS Seastar_BUILD_SHARED_LIBS to configure if the build should generated static libraries and shared libraries respectively. butBUILD_SHARED_LIBSis still supported, and the behavior is backward compatible. the only user-visible differenc...
>> However, there is a risk that we in the future need to add LDFLAGS to a >> library that also needs to be carried over to the static launcher. If this >> happens, I guess we need to separate between LDFLAGS_ONLY_FOR_THIS_DLL and >> LDFLAGS_ALSO_FOR_STATIC_LINKING. > > +1 ...
Repo steps: mkdir build && cd build cmake -DBUILD_SHARED_LIBS=ON -DBUILD_STATIC_LIBS=ON ../ What I got: CMake Error in CMakeLists.txt: Target "gflags-static" INTERFACE_INCLUDE_DIRECTORIES property contains relative path: "include" CMake ...
[cmake] -DBUILD_SHARED_LIBS:BOOL=ON -DBUILD_STATIC_LIBS:BOOL=OFF broken#507 jirislabyopened this issueNov 20, 2016· 16 comments Comments Copy link Contributor jirislabycommentedNov 20, 2016 @delcypher: the build fails miserably when building with the above flags. I think all the components...
I found that these two libs are hardcoded in bazel code intools/cpp/unix_cc_configure.bzl#L482 What should I do if I want to use staticlibstdc++.alib for my executable? They only way I found so far is to changetools/cpp/unix_cc_configure.bzfile and build custom bazel executable. ...
@@ -50,8 +50,7 @@ build() { "${_extra_config[@]}" \ -DWITH_GSSAPI=OFF \ -DUNIT_TESTING=OFF \ -DBUILD_STATIC_LIB=ON \ -DBUILD_SHARED_LIBS=ON \ -DBUILD_SHARED_LIBS=OFF \ ../${_realname}-${pkgver} ${MINGW_PREFIX}/bin/cmake.exe --build ./ 0 comments on commit ...
Describe the bug https://github.com/rapidsai/cudf/blob/branch-22.02/cpp/CMakeLists.txt#L43 This option is not used anywhere in the CMake currently. It should probably be used to parametrize whether SHARED or STATIC is passed to the add_l...
ENV_DPDK_FILE = $(call spdk_lib_list_to_shared_libs,env_dpdk) else ENV_DPDK_FILE = $(call spdk_lib_list_to_static_libs,env_dpdk) endif ifneq (,$(DPDK_SHARED_LIB)) ENV_LIBS = $(ENV_DPDK_FILE) $(DPDK_SHARED_LIB) DPDK_LINKER_ARGS = -Wl,-rpath-link $(DPDK_LIB_DIR) $(DPDK...
In windows this cmake language can be used to build both static and dyn libs: add_library(MyLib SHARED source1.c source2.c) add_library(MyLibStatic STATIC source1.c source2.c) set_target_properties(MyLibStatic PROPERTIES OUTPUT_NAME MyLib) ...