Setting build_src_flags to anything doesn't pass the flags to the compiler on esp32 boards. Creating the issue here because the same configuration does compile on platform = atmelavr and board = uno. platformio.ini [env:esp32dev] platfor...
test_compiler_and_add_flag("-Wformat-security" ONEDNN_SDL_COMPILER_FLAGS) append(ONEDNN_SDL_COMPILER_FLAGS "-Wformat -Wformat-security") if(UPPERCASE_CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE STREQUAL "RELEASE") test_compiler_and_add_flag("-D_FORTIFY_SOURCE=2" ONEDNN_SDL_COMPILER_FLAGS) append(ONEDNN_SDL_COMPILER_...
ok but i use the sample code smoother and it gives me the OpenCV(3.4.1) Error: Assertion failed ((flags & FIXED_TYPE) != 0) in cv::_InputArray::type, file C:\projects\javacpp-presets\opencv\cppbuild\windows-x86_64\opencv-3.4.1\modules\core\src\matrix_wrap.cpp, line 807 i think ...