编译buildroot 很多包可能需要自己下载后放到dl文件夹下,下载也很方便,在buildroot编译页面会有相应包的地址,直接复制到浏览器打开就行。 sudo make 1. 编译完成。 拷贝根文件系统到nfs目录 我们在开发板上通过nfs方式来挂载根文件系统。 cp output/images/rootfs.tar ~/nfs_rootfs/buildrootfs/ cd ~/nfs_rootfs/...
Gradle 翻译 build dependencies 依赖 Add build dependencies Android Studio中的Gradle构建系统可以轻松地将外部二进制文件或其他库模块作为依赖项包含在构建中。依赖项可以位于您的计算机上或远程存储库中,并且它们声明的任何传递依赖项[transitive dependencies]也会自动包含在内。
最后的构建类型为上面三种类型的笛卡尔积 这里就可以直接打出各个不同的变体来: 若要选择要构建并运行的 build 变体,请依次前往 Build > Select Build Variant,然后从菜单中选择一个 build 变体。 Build之后,buildConfig类下就会多出FLAVOR变量来 但是此时Sdk还不能被app客户端依赖,因为客户端需要加一个属性定义才行...
BuildDependencies 类型公开以下成员。方法展开表 名称说明 GetEnumerator() 返回一个循环访问集合的枚举数。 (继承自 IEnumerable。) GetEnumerator() 获取集合中项的枚举数。 Item 获取BuildDependencies 集合的一个索引成员。页首请参见参考BuildDependencies 接口...
Copy dependency files into your project directory.. Latest version: 1.1.2, last published: 10 years ago. Start using build-dependencies in your project by running `npm i build-dependencies`. There are no other projects in the npm registry using build-dep
publicvoidExample(DTE2 dte){try{ BuildDependencies bldDepends; SolutionBuild slnBuild;// Get the BuildDependencies in open solution.bldDepends = dte.Solution.SolutionBuild.BuildDependencies;// Get the SolutionBuild.slnBuild = dte.Solution.SolutionBuild;// Show the number of Build Dependencies in op...
Count Gibt einen Wert zurück, der die Anzahl der in der BuildDependencies-Auflistung enthaltenen Objekte angibt. DTE Ruft das Erweiterbarkeitsobjekt der obersten Ebene ab. Parent Ruft das unmittelbar übergeordnete Objekt einer BuildDependencies-Auflistung ab.Zum...
Direct build dependencies z/OS programs often have references to other source files that are needed by the compiler to build the program. Examples of such references are the COBOLCOPY, the PL/I%INCLUDE, the C#include, SQL INCLUDE, and the Assembler macro reference. These references are known ...
publicinterfaceclassBuildDependencies:System::Collections::IEnumerable Attributes GuidAttribute Implements IEnumerable Remarks Reference this object usingSolution.SolutionBuild.BuildDependencies.Item. Properties Methods GetEnumerator() Gets an enumerator for items in the collection. ...
public void Example(DTE2 dte) { try { BuildDependencies bldDepends; BuildDependency bldDependency = null; // Get the BuildDependencies in open solution. bldDepends = dte.Solution.SolutionBuild.BuildDependencies; if (bldDepends.Count > 0) // assign the BuildDependency bldDependency = bldDepends....