“dream car”则是一个名词短语,指的是梦想中的汽车,即个人心中理想、期望的汽车。 将这两者结合,我们可以翻译为“你的梦想之车”,这样的表述既准确又地道。 总结:综上所述,“build your dream car”在中文中可以翻译为“构建/打造你的梦想之车”。这个翻译既保留...
BYD作为品牌标识保持不变,确保了品牌的稳定性和识别度;而“Build Your Dream”则作为品牌口号,在国际市场上广泛传播,助力比亚迪实现全球化战略。 总结以上来说,按键是中文,是更方便国人的用车体验,车标用BYD与“Build Your Dream”,是为了更国际化。
Build your dream car with BYD.BYD, which stands for "Build Your Dream," is a Chinese automobile brand founded in 1995. The company specializes in manufacturing business and family cars as well as batteries.BYD's logo, which is an oval shape with the letters "BYD...
看看奔驰GLS AMG ,它是一台顶级的豪华性能的七座的SUV,外观和性能都是很多人梦寐以求的Dream Car,但是呢价格会让很多人都望而止步了。不过现在呢有了DM,它的出现完全是诠释了完美的SUV,而且高不可攀,最为他们系列的旗舰车型,它也是最近才上市的,而且有两个版本,混合版的就是DM了。 作为一个七座的SUV,不但...
Step 1: Choose Your Dream Car I have been fascinated about cars since childhood, so I plunged into making one of my dream cars, an Alfa Romeo 6c 1750 classic of 1928. I chose this model, as classic cars have a soul of their own; their fluid style, elongated hood, sweeping fenders an...
Design a MINI to match your distinct tastes. Customize your favourite Next-Gen models including the Countryman and Cooper 2 Door.
看看奔驰GLS AMG ,它是一台顶级的豪华性能的七座的SUV,外观和性能都是很多人梦寐以求的Dream Car,但是呢价格会让很多人都望而止步了。不过现在呢有了DM,它的出现完全是诠释了完美的SUV,而且高不可攀,最为他们系列的旗舰车型,它也是最近才上市的,而且有两个版本,混合版的就是DM了。
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Have you ever pondered the car brand associated with "build your dream"? Look no further than比亚迪汽车.<!-- The abbreviation BYD, which stands for "build your dream" in Chinese, symbolizes the brand's mission to turn dreams into reality. Established in 1995...
BYD (Build Your Dream) Car Repair Manuals and Factory Images 比亚迪汽车多种车型的维修手册和刷机文件 这几个Github仓库包含比亚迪汽车的维修手册和刷机资料,我需要研究一些比亚迪的汽车,发现网上有些网站提供零零散散的维修手册,发现维修手册可以在比亚迪售后网站http://lms.bydauto.com.cn/下载,刷机资料可以在http...