'Build Your Dream Car' 的其他可能翻译或解释 除了“构建你的梦想之车”和“打造你的梦想之车”这两种常见的翻译外,'Build your dream car'还可以根据具体的语境和需求,进行其他可能的翻译或解释。例如,在某些强调创造性和独特性的语境中,可以将其翻译为“创造你...
Build your dream car with BYD.BYD, which stands for "Build Your Dream," is a Chinese automobile brand founded in 1995. The company specializes in manufacturing business and family cars as well as batteries.BYD's logo, which is an oval shape with the letters "BYD...
BYD作为品牌标识保持不变,确保了品牌的稳定性和识别度;而“Build Your Dream”则作为品牌口号,在国际市场上广泛传播,助力比亚迪实现全球化战略。 总结以上来说,按键是中文,是更方便国人的用车体验,车标用BYD与“Build Your Dream”,是为了更国际化。
build your dream,一般指的是比亚迪汽车。比亚迪汽车英文名“BYD”,BYD是build your dreams的首字母组合,意思是成就梦想。
欧洲消费者见不得比亚迪“成就梦想”?和大家说一个冷笑话,根据外媒Car Dealer报道,未来比亚迪出口欧洲的海豹车型,或将去除车尾那句豪迈冲天的slogan:Build Your Dreams。为什么?因为欧洲当地的经销商、消费者和媒体都不喜欢,甚至觉得有些羞耻——车是好车,就是字多。这种难以言喻的奇妙感觉,当年中国人看到“...
Step 1: Choose Your Dream Car I have been fascinated about cars since childhood, so I plunged into making one of my dream cars, an Alfa Romeo 6c 1750 classic of 1928. I chose this model, as classic cars have a soul of their own; their fluid style, elongated hood, sweeping fenders an...
Have you ever pondered the car brand associated with "build your dream"? Look no further than比亚迪汽车.<!-- The abbreviation BYD, which stands for "build your dream" in Chinese, symbolizes the brand's mission to turn dreams into reality. Established in 1995...
Build your dream car with Create a Car! Pick from cars, buses, or trucks. Put on the parts you like and go for a drive!Premium Subscriber? Log in here Advertisement | Go Ad-Free! SIMILAR GAMES Comparing Number Values Grades 1 – 5 Comparing Number Values Jr. Grades K – 1 Number...
由上文可知,比亚迪英文名的意思build your dream也就是成就你的梦想,对于王传福和比亚迪来说,BYD以及其短语更像是一种阴差阳错的巧合,假如当时王传福没有取这种奇怪的名字,可能也就没有build your dream这句短语。 现在的比亚迪已经今非昔比,在漫长的发展历程中,比亚迪已经从曾经饱受诟病的国产品牌,成为了如今的“...
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