Do you know whether it's best to develop your own solution, or whether it's best to hire an expert? During this webinar, we will try to answer this question. Through concrete cases, our experts will describe the different elements to consider when the ti
“There’s a big difference between build versus buy,” said Daniel Graupensperger, director of product management at Ruggable. “If you’re building it all yourselves, that’s going to slow things down. You’re limited by the resources that you have. We’ve been able to partner with Sho...
Build vs. Buy BuildWhy does it matter? KEY CONSIDERATIONS Developers needed 1-2 4-6 It’s important that your developers have the freedom to build what’s strategic for your business, rather than expected and baseline features—like chat. By tying up your developers’ time on basic features...
In these cases, the decision to build vs. buy is very different. (More on this in the next section.) Once you’ve determined what differentiates your business, the IT solution will be clearer. While both examples improve the customer experience, you have to consider which is truly bespoke ...
第 2 部分:购买的 4 项优势 | Build vs. Buy? Part 2: 4 Benefits of Buying 如果您已阅读此构建与购买博客系列的第 1 部分,并遵循了我所建议的需求评估流程,则是时候该做出决定了:您是要在内部构建下一个企业解决方案还是要购买软件来满足您的需求? ...
It’s difficult to imagine in this time of high employee turnover and retiring subject matter experts that we would still deliberate Build vs. Buy. Who will be around long enough to deploy, let alone maintain, custom (yikes!)software platforms and applications?
The 5 Key Questions for Build vs Buy Software To make the right decision, you’ll want to consider the following questions: 1. How difficult would it be to modify your workflow to match a generic technology platform? Off-the-shelf software caters to a broad audience, and often includes gen...
orbuilditthemselves.Thispaperhighlightswhatcriteriayou it.Usersatalllevelsneedtoview,analyze,andtakeactionon,andinwhich dataandcomponentssuchasdashboardsandreportingprovide situationsonesolutionispreferabletotheother. addedvalue.Whenfacedwiththeneedtoincludesuchmodules intheir...
Build it or buy it? If you haven’t had this conversation yet, rest assured that your day is coming. Organizations regularly face challenges that require technical software solutions, from automating scheduling and logistics, to analyzing digital supply chain management, to organizing and securing te...
When to Buy For smaller legal teams looking for broad functionality without development hassles or a new firm taking its first steps toward document automation, it often makes more sense to implement a bundled, buy-in solution like Accusoft’s Docubee SaaS platform. Document Completion Docubee...