Error when downloading SQL Server 2017 (Express) Error when installing Visual studio shell 2013 (Isolated) Error when trying to create a Visual Studio Project Error: Cannot Determine the location of the VS common tools folder Error: Microsoft Visula Studio: The following files were specified on th...
I expected to see vs_buildtools.exe in the folder:C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio\2017\BuildTools\MSBuild\15.0\Binfolder, but no. I see MSBuild.exe, as you can see from this screenshot.
首先,打开链接 Home - Visual Studio Subscriptions Portal,登录账号,点击进入下载页面 接下来,在下载页面搜索build tools,找到左侧的Visual Studio 2015 update 3。 点击Visual Studio 2015 update 3后,下载对应的文件即可,约1.1G,这里需要将格式修改为DVD。 下载完成后,我们得到了文件mu_visual_cpp_build_tools_2015...
error MSB8020: The build tools for Visual Studio 2010 (Platform Toolset = 'v100') cannot be found. To build using the v100 build tools, please install Visual Studio 2010 build tools. Alternative 换一个编译平台工具集就搞定了。右键你的工程-》属性-》配置属性-》平台工具集,改成你现有的vs版本...
node-gyp\Lib\configure.js 中的15.0改为Current也不好使; I solved this problem by performing "npm install --global --production windows-build-tools" on Win10 without visual studio installed, which I think has something to do with installing vs2019。
一般是安装包丢失或损坏,那么我么可以用离线下载的方式来先行下载。 用 -h 看下帮助 主要是Layout参数。 下载完,到下载目录安装吧。
The Visual Studio 2017 command prompts work as expected. You can easily modify them to create command prompts for the VS 2015 v140 MSVC tools. If you go into the folderC:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio\2017\BuildTools\VC\Auxiliary\Buildyou’ll find four developer comm...
在使用Visual Studio编译C++项目时,可能会遇到以下错误信息: 代码语言:javascript 复制 plaintextCopy code ErrorMSB8020:The build toolsforv141(Platform Toolset='v141')cannot be found. 这个错误是由于缺少v141版本的构建工具所致。v141是Visual Studio 2017及以上版本的默认构建工具。如果你的系统中没有安装v141...
Microsoft.VisualStudio.Component.Azure.ClientLibs Azure Libraries for .NET 17.12.35410.122 必要 Microsoft.VisualStudio.Component.Azure.Waverton.BuildTools Azure 雲端服務建置工具 17.12.35410.122 必要 Microsoft.VisualStudio.Component.DockerTools.BuildTools 容器開發工具 - 建置工具 17.12.35410.122 必要 Microsoft....