When the std feature is enabled, the latest version of this crate fails to build on wasm32-unknown-unknown with the following error: error: target is not supported, for more information see: https://docs.rs/getrandom/#unsupported-targets...
I'm trying to build to wasm32-unknown-unknown target but I get several errors that imp is not declared error[E0433]: failed to resolve: use of undeclared crate or module `imp` --> /root/.cargo/registry/src/github.com-1ecc6299db9ec823/lib...
DataSourceTarget DataSourceView DataTable DateTimeAxis DateTimePicker DebugCheckedTests DebugHistorySeekToFrame DebugInteractiveWindow DebugSelection DebugTemplate DebugXSLT DecisionNode DecisionTree; Объявление DeclarativeCatalogPart Уменьшенные decimals DecreaseFontSize Уменьше...
"target_cpu": "x86_64", "version": "1.72.0", "url": "openharmony/compiler/rust/20240528/rust-std-nightly-x86_64-unknown-linux-ohos_20240528.tar.gz", "download_dir": ".prebuilts_cache/rustc/rust-nightly-x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu_20240528", "script": "install_ext.sh", "ar...
targetSdk : 26, compileSdk : 26, buildTools : '26.0.2', applicationId : "com.today.step", androidGradlePlugin : '3.2.1', supportLibs : '26.1.0', ] ext.gradlePlugins = [ android : "com.android.tools.build:gradle:$versions.androidGradlePlugin", ...
According to the error info, the value is C:\Program Files (x86)\MSBuild, make sure you are not using VS2017/MSBuild 15.0 on VSTS, and you can find this file on that folder. If above not help you, could you please share your configuration about Build task here?
According to the error info, the value is C:\Program Files (x86)\MSBuild, make sure you are not using VS2017/MSBuild 15.0 on VSTS, and you can find this file on that folder. If above not help you, could you please share your configuration about Build task here?
elif target_cpu == 'x86': runtime_dir = x86_runtime elif target_cpu == 'arm64': runtime_dir = arm64_runtime else: raise Exception('Unknown target_cpu: ' + target_cpu) _CopyRuntime(target_dir, runtime_dir, target_cpu, debug=False) if configuration == 'Debug': _Co...
A detailed list of individual Xcode build settings that control or change the way a target is built.
ro.carrier=unknown 237. ro.opengles.version=131072 #开放式绘图介面参数 238. ro.config.alarm_alert=Alarm_Classic.ogg # 默认闹铃, 文件在/system/media/audio/alarms 修改方法同上 239. drm.service.enabled=true 240. ro.setupwizard.mode=OPTIONAL #默认开机时使用设置 向导 241. ro.com.google.gms...