The so-called symmetric weighted adjacency matrix is denoted by \({\bf{W}}^{(p)} \in {\Bbb R}^{N \times N}\), whose ijth element represents the total number of comments that participants i and j have given to each other in the pth prompt. Figure 2 illustrates the construction ...
identity(N) # L_23 # use symmetric inter-adjacency matrix adj_block += adj_block.T Create an instance of the MultilayerGraph class mg = mx.MultilayerGraph(list_of_layers=[g1,g2,g3], inter_adjacency_matrix=adj_block) Weights can be added to the edges mg.set_edges_weights(intra_...
params.addRequiredCoupledVarWithAutoBuild("variable","var_name_base","op_num","Array of coupled variables"); params.addParam<bool>("output_adjacency_matrix",false,"Output the Grain Adjacency Matrix used in the coloring algorithms. ""Additionally, the grain to OP assignments will be printed");...