在运行build runner之前,确保你的设备已连接到计算机,并且已启用开发者选项和USB调试。 "The Flutter SDK is not available":这个错误表示Flutter SDK不可用。确保你已正确安装Flutter SDK,并且已将其添加到系统的环境变量中。 "The Flutter plugin 'xxx' is not installed":这个错误表示缺少某个Flutter插件。...
发生了以下JavaScript错误: 在文件“RecordsetFind”中: findRsisnotdefined 在关闭Dreamweav...
1.pubspec.yaml 添加 dependencies: build_runner: ^2.4.6 2. flutter packages get 3. 创建build_runer dart run build_runner build 4.flutter packages pub run build_runner build
dev_dependencies:build_runner:^1.7.1 pubspec.lock文件.png
每次启动flutter项目时,都要执行flutter pub run build_runner watch,有时候多model的情况下还得执行多次,使用如下方法,每次打开项目时自动执行。 File → Settings → Startup Tasks → Add New Configuration → Shell Script Name:build_runner watch
Building flutter tool... 1. 2. 3. 解决方案:在命令行输入以下命令 xcode-select --install 1. 4、配置Flutter SDK 运行flutter doctor的时候会提示安装Flutter SDK,安装后通过提示设置SDK的路径 创建项目 1、New Project 通过Command Palette中输入命令New Project创建项目 ...
Information I know there are already many issues on the internet about this... but nothing has helped me yet. I'm running Flutter together with Android Studio (everything set up correctly) in a Manjaro VMWare-VM. How many other issues al...
Failed to run 'flutter build apk' but successful to run 'flutter run --release' Flutter version 3.3.5 targeted platform Android Using compileSdkVersion 33 and minSdkVersion 21 I have no clue what the issue is the error is not informative...
Runner.app/Info.plist does not exist. The Flutter “Thin Binary“ build phase must run after “Copy Bun,修改内容如下/bin/sh"$FLUTTER_ROOT/packages/flutter_tools
命令: flutter packages pub run build_runner build 使用 build_runner 生成 .g.dart 文件 flutter packages pub run build_runner wacth 监控生成文件,如果有改动时自动生成/更新 .g.dart