使用hdc命令安装release HAP包到设备时上报“INSTALL_FAILED_APP_SOURCE_NOT_TRUSTED”错误 如何通过路由跳转到一个只有页面没有UIAbility的模块 如何查询应用包的名称、供应商、版本号、版本文本、安装时间、更新时间描述信息 如何在本应用中获取到其他应用的HAP包信息 如何安装打包出来的App包(通过什么命令安装)...
I'm getting an error when building qt6-qtmultimedia. # make qt6 [build] qt6-qtmultimedia i686-w64-mingw32.static Failed to build package qt6-qtmultimedia for target i686-w64-mingw32.static! ---...
Please download and install other plugins from the plugins repositoryxmake-plugins. IDE/Editor Integration xmake-vscode xmake-sublime xmake-idea xmake.vim(third-party, thanks@luzhlon) xmake-visualstudio(third-party, thanks@HelloWorld886) xmake-qtcreator(third-party, thanks@Arthapz) ...
-- Running syncqt for module: 'QtXml' -- Tool 'Qt6::uic' will be built from source. -- Tool 'Qt6::qdbuscpp2xml' will be built from source. -- Tool 'Qt6::qdbusxml2cpp' will be built from source. -- Tool 'Qt6::qlalr' will be built from source. -- Tool 'Qt6:...
docker run-v $BUILD_PWD/build_wasm:/project/build -v $SOURCE_PWD:/project/source colorlength/qt-webassembly-build-env:latest $BUILD_PWD编译目录 $BUILD_PWD源码目录qt pro所在路径 注意源码中的路径必须是/ https://github.com/QueenConch/wasm ...
qt6-qtbase-private-devel \ qt6-qtsvg-devel \ qt6-qtwayland-devel \ speexdsp-devel \ swig \ systemd-devel \ vlc-devel \ wayland-devel \ websocketpp-devel \ x264-devel Ifspeexdsp-develis not available, it can be built from source (https://gitlab.xiph.org/xiph/speexdsp) ...
Step 6: Run Make This step will compile the HPLIP source. Important You want to run make as a regular user, NOT as root. Enter this command: make Step 7: Run Make Install This step will install HPLIP. Enter this command: su -c "make install" ...
ndk.git is the project hosting the Android NDK source files. external/qemu.git is the project for our qemu-based emulator. sdk.git项目是一个核心项目,大部分基于Java开发的工具都在这个项目里面,包含了ddms,hierarchyviewer,lint,traceview等工具,其中的eclipse目录是android device monitor的工具的源码,包含...
We'll look at the basic building blocks of PySide6 applications —Widgets, Layouts & Signalsand learn how PySide6 uses the event loop to handle and respond to user input. Designing UIs withQt Designer Build your user interfaces visually in theQt Designerdrag-and-drop editor. We'll take a...
Visual Studio,Android Stuido,QT6,Intel TBB和Boost全面转向CMake,众多的开源代码用户,CMake目前是C++的de facto build system。 CMake已经这么成功了,笔者就说一说CMake的一些不足之处: 本身不支持增量编译和云编译(相比bazel):笔者并不认为这是CMake的不足,毕竟工具的定位不同,bazel早期定位是为构建服务端软件...