Build not configured correctlyby srjasz » Wed Apr 17, 2024 6:34 pm Everything was working fine, closed espressif IDE, restarted, tried to build and now am unable to build. Only message is this."Build not configured correctly".
Re: Eclipse generate error message "Build not configured correctly" PostbyESP_kondalkolipaka»Tue Oct 18, 2022 12:04 pm Hello, This is due to the project is not imported as esp-idf import. Please follow the instructions from here ... ortProject ...
Describe the bug When I press build button I get the error message "No Toolchain found for Target esp32" or "Build not configured correctly". Also Launch Configurations doesn't open when pressing on the gear icon. To Reproduce Create new project from example hello world. Create ESP32 target...
I'm kinda new to python so I'd totally believe that I'm doing something wrong? But it looks like all of the methods are not correctly exported on the build that is currently available on pypiMember alxwrd commented on Jul 12, 2018 • edited Hi @mcnuttandrew 👋 ! The information ...
ssl-bumpis not configured properly. Your organization's security policy does not allow you to usessl_bump. Your buildspec file does not have proxy settings specified using aproxyelement. Recommended solutions: Make suressl-bumpis configured properly. If you use Squid for your proxy server, see...
Using the string syntax, only the build context can be configured as either: A relative path to the Compose file's parent folder. This path must be a directory and must contain aDockerfile services:webapp:build:./dir A Git repository URL. Git URLs accept context configuration in their fragm...
Public Repositories: By default, Huawei Mirrors is added, and Huawei SDK repositories has been configured. This configuration is used only when you need to add a public repository that is not provided by CodeArts. The procedure is as follows: Click Add. Enter the repository address, and sele...
If this setting is not enabled, you will get a warning message in the attach dialog on the host machine. This setting is required to allow the Nsight Monitor to attach to free-running CUDA applications. It only needs to be configured one time after installing NVIDIA Nsight™ VSE....
('.not-configured-warning').hide(); $('#settings-done').removeAttr('disabled'); } function sendMessage(message) { Office.context.ui.messageParent(message); } function getParameterByName(name, url) { if (!url) { url = window.location.href; } name = name.replace(/[\[\]]/g, "\\...
dependencyTrackPublisher artifact: 'target/bom.xml', projectId: '9812e933-6bc1-4453-951f-9a75a7d693d4', synchronous: true } } } } Dependency tracker Jenkins plugin is configured properly with ApiKey Did I miss any other configuration? Please suggest....