docker build -t andy1982/nodejs_app:1.0.0 . docker images,可以看到刚才build出的image 登录ACR,输入密码 docker login --username=aliyun3961843692 为刚才build出的image打标签 docker tag 07e9097c39d4 push...
在这个Dockerfile中,我们使用了node:14作为基础镜像,安装了Node.js的运行环境,并将应用程序的代码拷贝到镜像中。最后,我们暴露了3000端口,并运行了应用程序的入口文件app.js。###构建镜像接下来,我们使用`docker build`命令来构建镜像。假设我们已经将上面的Dockerfile保存为`Dockerfile`文件,我们可以使用以下命令构建...
In this tutorial, you will create an application image for a static website that uses theExpressframework andBootstrap. You will then build a container using that image and push it toDocker Hubfor future use. Finally, you will pull the stored image from your Docker Hub repository and build ...
拉取代码 构建Docker 镜像 发布Docker 镜像 Pipeline 代码示例 pipeline{agent any stages{stage('拉取代码'){steps{git '}}stage('构建 Docker 镜像'){steps{script{'your-docker-image')}}}stage('发布 Docker 镜像'){steps{script{docker.withRegistry(' 'docker-credentials'){docker.image('...
生成一个镜像名称为u/test-docker-nodeapp。 $ docker build . -t u/test-docker-nodeapp $ docker images REPOSITORY TAG IMAGE ID CREATED SIZE u/test-docker-nodeapp latest f13fa3f67050 9 minutes ago 921 MB 启动容器,并把监听端口映射到本机的1338端口,这样访问地址http://localhost:1338就...
NodeJS for Android完美编译大全 完美地编译了NodeJS for android-{arm,arm64,x86,x64,mipsel},并且提供预编译版,和作为持续编译环境的Docker image。 完美, 意思是不去掉任何功能(不加--without-...选项),尽量不修改任何源码(包括编译设定文件)。 借助工具android-gcc-toolchain实现了这个目标。见Full Build)。
"scripts": { "build": "tsc", "start": "node ./out/app.js" } Dockerfile FROM node:14.18.1-alpine# update packagesRUN apk update# create root application folderWORKDIR/app# copy configs to /app folderCOPY package*.json./COPY tsconfig.json./# copy source code to /app/src folderCOPY ...
Docker images for cross compiling prebuilt binaries for Node.js native addons. - prebuild/docker-images
$ docker buildx build --add-host my-hostname: --add-host my-hostname_v6=[2001:4860:4860::8888] . Create annotations (--annotation) --annotation="key=value" --annotation="[type:]key=value" Add OCI annotations to the image index, manifest, or descriptor. The following examp...
Learn how to build a simple Node.js web server with Docker. In this lesson, we'll create a Dockerfile for a simple Node.js script, copy and build it into a Docker image, and start a container to run the web server. We have a simple express server: ...