"We'll bring in highly motivated jun iors and seniors who can realistically ex pect to have a career in the computer field and get engineers from marketing and product training to teach them what a computer can do and how to operate one." Ken is talking to school district ...
Holders are dragged in circular motion through the container that is fifilled wwith tthhee lloooossee aabbrraassiivvee oorr ppoolliisshhiinngg mmeeddiiaa.. The main spindle is also rotated at different speeds, either clockwise or anticlockwise. Figure 3 shows an image of the drag ffiini...
Remember that the farther you get into your career the less any education or certifications matter. It all becomes about what you’ve *done*, which is how it should be. Thanks to my friend Jason Haddix for reading versions of this. The ability to be focused on one’s impact on the...