To test the build manifest functionality locally, name your file UnityCloudBuildManifest.json.txt (but don’t commit this file to your project’s Assets/UnityCloud/Resources folder in your code repository, because it might interfere with the Unity Cloud Build manifest file)....
WriteLinesToFile XamlTaskFactory XmlPeek XmlPoke XslTransformation ZipDirectory Microsoft.Build.Tasks.Deployment.Bootstrapper Microsoft.Build.Tasks.Deployment.ManifestUtilities Microsoft.Build.Tasks.Hosting Microsoft.Build.Utilities 下載PDF C# 閱讀英文
You can see the app working, but navigation not working here (because this path was cached before the problem started): If the buildManifest file is cached in the browser, for example by visiting the working page and then directly navigating to the not-working...
Microsoft.Build.Tasks.Deployment.ManifestUtilities ApplicationIdentity ApplicationManifest ApplicationManifest Constructors Properties ConfigFile EntryPoint ErrorReportUrl FileAssociations HostInBrowser IconFile IsClickOnceManifest MaxTargetPath OSDescription
Assembly: Microsoft.Build.Tasks.Core.dll Package: Microsoft.Build.Tasks.Core v17.11.4 Source: GenerateManifestBase.cs Returns the manifest file reference that matches the specified item. This API supports the product infrastructure and is not intended to be used directly from your code. C# 複製...
Microsoft.Build.Tasks.Deployment.ManifestUtilities ApplicationIdentity ApplicationManifest ApplicationManifest Constructors Properties ConfigFile EntryPoint ErrorReportUrl FileAssociations HostInBrowser IconFile IsClickOnceManifest MaxTargetPath OSDescription
Namespace: Microsoft.Build.Tasks.Deployment.ManifestUtilities Assembly: Microsoft.Build.Tasks.Core.dll Package: Microsoft.Build.Tasks.Core v17.11.4 Source: FileReference.cs Describes a manifest file reference.C# 复制 [System.Runtime.InteropServices.ComVisible(false)] public sealed class File...
CreateCSharpManifestResourceName CreateItem CreateManifestResourceName CreateProperty CreateVisualBasicManifestResourceName Delete DownloadFile Error ErrorFromResources Exec ExtractedClassName FindAppConfigFile FindInList FindInvalidProjectReferences FindUnderPath FormatUrl FormatVersion GenerateApplicationManifest Generate...
Image manifest digest can be read from metadata when pushed with docker driver. docker/buildx#989 Fix environment file handling in Compose files. docker/buildx#905 Show last access time in du command. docker/buildx#867 Fix possible double output logs when multiple Bake targets run same build ...
Namespace: Microsoft.Build.Tasks.Deployment.ManifestUtilities Assembly: Microsoft.Build.Tasks.Core.dll Package: Microsoft.Build.Tasks.Core v17.11.4 Source: FileReference.cs Describes a manifest file reference.C# 复制 [System.Runtime.InteropServices.ComVisible(false)] public sealed class File...