有些人也许变得更疑惑了,因为在 TOY 的“打造完美的 Linux 桌面 — Arch Linux 2007.08-2”系列中并没有提到 PKGBUILD 的问题,所有的软件都是通过 pacman -S 来安装的。 没关系,如果你理解了 makepkg 和 PKBGUILD,那么在我下一次谈到 AUR 和 ABS 之后,你就能完全明白了。 实例: # Maintainer: Sven-Hendri...
当存在build in目标时,需要依赖于builtin-target(图6.11中的built-in.o),lib-target(图6.11中的lib.a)和extra-y目标,extra-y在某些目录下的Makefile中会有定义,如arch/arm64/kernel/Makefile中会有如图6.13的定义。 当存在modules目标时,需要依赖于obj-m(图6.9)和modorder-target(图6.11)。...
/home/lengjing/data/cbuild-ng/output/x86_64-native KERNEL_ARCH : arm64 KERNEL_VER : 5.15.88 KERNEL_SRC : /home/lengjing/data/cbuild-ng/output/kernel/linux-5.15.88 KERNEL_OUT : /home/lengjing/data/cbuild-ng/output/cortex-a53/objects/linux-5.15.88/build === 生成交叉编译工具链 leng...
而是 arm-linux-gnueabihf-gcc,所以:exportCCPREFIX=/home/raspberry/tools/arm-bcm2708/gcc-linaro-arm-linux-gnueabihf-raspbian/bin/arm-linux-gnueabihf-// 这样子执行你的交叉编译器:${CCPREFIX}gcc -v//依据须要改动.config文件,或者 make menuconfig 图形化改动内核配置ARCH=armCROSS_COMPILE=${CCPREFIX} ma...
Downstream-based Kernel BSP 7.0.0 SoCKernel Git BranchKernel ConfigurationKernel Binary NXP i.MX 8MM/8MP toradex_6.6-2.0.x-imx toradex_defconfig arch/arm64/boot/Image.gz TI AM62x toradex_ti-linux-6.6.y toradex_defconfig arch/arm64/boot/Image.gz TI AM69 tora...
Building the kernel is quite easy. Change your working directory to the rootof the kernel source tree and then type the following commands: fakeroot debian/rules clean# quicker build:fakeroot debian/rules binary-headers binary-generic binary-perarch# if you need linux-tools or lowlatency kernel...
x86_64 / aarch64 machine at least 2GB of memory and ~35GB of disk space for VM, container or bare metal installation Armbian / Ubuntu Jammy 22.04.x for native building or any Docker capable Linux for containerised Windows 10/11 with WSL2 subsystem running Ubuntu Jammy 22.04.x Superuser...
System information Type Version/Name Distribution Name Arch Linux ARM Distribution Version rolling Kernel Version 6.2.1 Architecture aarch64 OpenZFS Version zfs-2.1.9-1 Describe the problem you're observing Failing to compile kernel modu...
I'm trying to compile thus kernel https://github.com/MiCode/Xiaomi_Kernel_OpenSource/tree/lime-q-oss for my Poco M3 I did: export ARCH=arm64 && export SUBARCH=arm64 export CROSS_COMPILE=/opt/aosp_prebuilts/aarch64-linux-android-4.9/bin/aarch64-linux-android- export... papavacuo Thre...
docker pull --platform=linux/arm64/v8 1. 2. 使用buildx时,指定platform则使用OS/ARCH的列值 查看已有镜像的manifest docker manifest inspect --insecure ...